I'm going to get off the OP for just a short paragraph to give my opinion which isn't worth 2cents....I look at the debates here about the same way I see a Zebra. Are the stripes on a zebra white and black or are they black and white? The Calvinist camp says the non-Calvinist camp are hard-headed and simply won't see the truths in scripture that are so evident to them. The non-Calvinist camp says the Calvinist camp is hard-headed and so stiff-necked that you can't get them to see the reasoning and scriptural truths in free will.
I personally would agree with this statement to some extent--in my opinion, debating limited atonement is like the stripes on a zebra--non cals say Jesus tasted death for every man[not false]--I just see it as, if someone believes Jesus died for all, then His purpose obviously failed--because not all will be saved--and I know Jesus' purpose wasn't frustrated because He said It is finished!-- debate away! Our differences sometimes are just in semantics and you have to admit, it's humorous to read those "debates"
But the issue of God's sovereignty [vs freewill] in soteriology/salvation is not just words or useless debate because if I really believed man ultimately had free will, then man, by necessity, would have something to do with his/her salvation and, then, for one thing,I don't see how it could be secure [thus how can non cals embrace the 5th pt of perseverance?].....also, God wouldn't get all the glory....lastly, I would think I should have to spend all my time as a preacher trying to change men's minds using emotion or whatever technique instead of preaching the Gospel [I grew up in a Church like that [very little Bible, lots of emotion, lots of people getting saved and lost and saved and lost--no thanks]
I enjoy reading the debates [and I learn a lot] when they are objective--there are some that just like to throw bombs which maybe makes them feel a little better [I hope]As for how I handle it....I generally have my say, will debate a bit, and then move on down the road. Life is too short to expend too much energy on this..in the whole scheme of things it's pretty unimportant in this venue.