Interesting.Oh boy, you would be in for a treat! Pre - Vatican II our worship would last at the most an hour and a half and that was High Mass on Sunday with the opera singer and everything. At the Orthodox service I went to it was 2 hours plus! What got me was people kept coming in at all parts of the worship service and I asked someone about it and that was completely acceptable. I loved the way they have Communion though, everyone receives kneeling down, plus the bread is dunked into the wine (called intinction) and is then given to the communicant. That was very respectful way to receive Holy Communion if you ask me and was the way we did it pre - Vatican II minus the intinction part. What I didn't like was all the kissing of some icons which were placed in front of the pews, that was a bit much as far as I was concerned.
Why intinction (and do both Roman Catholic and Orthodox practice that method)?