That's nice and all, but...
- Does it count if it was salt water (appears to be) and not fresh? Which was Jesus baptized in?
- Was the water temp correct at the actual time of the baptism? Was it Jordon-like enough?
- And the clothing, don't forget that, shouldn't the administrators be wearing proper mid-eastern-period garb? Those men look to be dressed in overly modern-western.
- And how do we know the child simply didn't want a trip to the beach? You know children, they're LIKE THAT!!!
But seriously and begging your indulgence and forgiveness (if necessary). All my points above are absurdity meant to parrot and mock earlier posts in this thread.
What a wonderful picture. Praise God for children seeking the Lord so young and following His will, in obedience and love. And sorry again, for using your lovely post to demonstrate my sarcasm relating to some of the prior ridiculous posts. The juxtaposition of the legalism presented by some and the beauty in the picture you've posted is just too much to let pass.
I wish I had pictures of my own down-in-floor baptism from ages ago. It was a memorable experience. Ironically, I was twelve at the time, but saved at five.
No worries. It was definitely salt water - Atlantic Ocean in NY in August which means about 65 degrees. I guess we really SHOULD look into some good gowns for the men and baptism-ees.