Nor do I. That's an area we didn't cover, but I also don't believe man's will is free, not by any stretch.
If you don't mind me pointing out, that
is what this thread is man's will, being free to choose or not to choose, and how it relates to salvation.
One side says that God makes the will free, but
before the new birth..."Prevenient Grace".
This results in God giving all men what is necessary to make the right choice, provided the right conditions exist.
With Prevenient Grace, the reason why some believe when the Gospel is preached, and others don't, is determined by man...the hearer.
Therefore, the new birth is dependent upon how
men react to the Gospel...making the Holy Spirit at least partially incapable of working the "rest of the way" without a man's permission.
Salvation then is available, in a manner of speaking, to each and every person...provided that missionaries blanket the earth with the preached word of God, and each and every person gets the chance to hear it.
The roll call of God's saints is then ultimately determined by the actions of
men, putting God's foreknowledge as "foreseeing", in the impersonal, objective sense.
The other side says that God makes the will free, as a
consequence of the new birth..."Electing Grace".
This results in God giving only His elect what is necessary to "make the right choice", provided the right conditions exist.
With God's Electing Grace, the reason why some believe when the Gospel is preached, and others do not, is determined by God...not the hearer.
Therefore, the new birth is dependent on how
God works, and who He works in.
Salvation then is available to each and every person God has chosen, and only to those He decides to work in...making the Holy Spirit fully capable of carrying out whatever He wants.
The roll call of God's saints is then ultimately determined by the actions of
God, putting God's "foreknowledge as "foreknowing" in the personal, subjective sense.
Now I'd like to ask a question:
Which one do you think offends people, in general, the most?
I'd say that it's the one that completely strips man of everything that can be "done", every "avenue of approach" to God, that results in us as sinners
escaping eternal damnation.
If I had to say what is at the core of the problem,
that is the main sticking point.
May God bless you.