Thank you! Here's a lengthy article by this guy that gives further insight into his perspectives:
Louis Markos: If you think rap videos are the greatest source of insults and slander, then you obviously have not read Calvin’s Institutes
"as an avid supporter of Evangelicals and Catholics Together, I have always harbored mixed feelings about the divided state of the Body of Christ....Nearly all believers...view the members of their own churches (or denominations) as various and diverse members of a single Body of Christ. What we have yet to learn is how to see the denominations themselves as members that can and must work together to fulfill the Great Commission."
"the Charismatics...they alone bring to Christianity a perspective and a ministry only partly developed by the Universal Church before Schisms and Reformations set in....the more rationalistic and masculine branches of the Body of Christ [are] becoming receptive to the more intuitive, feminine message of the...Charismatic branch."
"the Charismatics...being grafted into the Church tree will render it both stronger and more resilient....the Charismatic movement [has]... its own apostolic forebear....[who] often showed a faith and a courage that surpassed that of the Twelve. I speak specifically of Mary Magdalene"
"there was a down side to Paul, the same we find in the Protestant Church....[he] often lashed out in a particularly unloving spirit whenever he felt that his fellow Christians were not staying true to his program. And that darker side of his legacy has persisted as well during the last five hundred years of Protestantism."
"the Roman Catholic Church has been the church that has most fully engaged the world around her. While Orthodoxy withdraws and Protestantism divides, The Catholic Church wrestles and grapples and gets her hands dirty. She makes mistakes (lots of them) but presses on nevertheless—ever struggling and yet ever maintaining her integrity and identity."
Orthodox Christians...were first cut off from the West by the conquering Muslim militias, eventually to be incarcerated in their own countries by the Turks or Soviets....We need their acceptance and celebration of mystery...their rich liturgical theology...their incarnational iconography."
"the Orthodox learned to bond together and to guard fiercely their identity and their culture...just as the Black Church in America functioned as both the spiritual and political center of Black resistance to oppression"
"None of us knows (or can know) what would have happened had the Orthodox and Catholics not split in the 11th century. Nor what would be if the Protestants and Catholics had remained together in the 16th century. But if we let go of such unanswerable questions and instead press forward so that we may all be one, then there is one thing we can know: God will smile."
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