Thank you, but I am quite satisfied with the KJB which says Paul was alive WITHOUT the law once.
Paul spoke Greek and Hebrew. He didn't use the KJB. I would have though you might have realized that by now. The translation "apart from" is more accurate. There are a number of translations that agree with that:
(ASV) And I was alive
apart from the law once: but when the commandment came, sin revived, and I died;
(EMTV) For I was alive
apart from the law once, but when the commandment came, sin revived, but I died.
(ESV) I was once alive
apart from the law, but when the commandment came, sin came alive and I died.
(LITV) And I was alive
apart from Law once, but the commandment came, and sin came alive, and I died.
(WNT) Once,
apart from Law, I was alive, but when the Commandment came, sin sprang into life, and I died;
(YLT) And I was alive
apart from law once, and the command having come, the sin revived, and I died;
--The word "without" gives the wrong impression. It gives the impression that there was no law. That is not true. There was law. It was apart from that law that did exist that he was alive.
He wasn't born KNOWING the law, he was born without KNOWLEDGE of the law. It is the KNOWLEDGE of good and evil that makes you accountable.
You are drawing an unnecessary dichotomy. We are accountable for our sins. However we also are sinners. We are sinners by birth, because of Adam's sin (Rom.5:12,19). Small children do have a knowledge when they have done wrong. One of the first words they learn is "no." One of the first concepts they learn is deception. If there was no sin nature there would be no reason for them not to sin, and surely one out of the billions born would grow up without sin. But that hasn't happened, proving your theory wrong.
Moreover your little ones, which ye said should be a prey, and your children, which in that day had no knowledge between good and evil, they shall go in thither, and unto them will I give it, and they shall possess it.
God did not punish the children of the Jews who sinned in the wilderness. Why? Because no law existed? NO, because they had no KNOWLEDGE of the law in that day. Likewise, no person is born knowing God's laws and do not become accountable until they learn and understand them.
Another non sequitor.
You pull Scripture out of context. This is not speaking of Mosaic law:
Deuteronomy 1:43 So I spake unto you; and ye would not hear, but rebelled against the commandment of the LORD, and went presumptuously up into the hill.
44 And the Amorites, which dwelt in that mountain, came out against you, and chased you, as bees do, and destroyed you in Seir,
even unto Hormah.
"The children" are those that are 20 and under or the generation that were not able to go and fight. They were the generation that "didn't have the vote," or did not make the decisions. It is not that they did not understands. I am sure that many of those in that group 12 and over understood perfectly the decision that their parents were making. I am sure that they heard the words of Joshua and Caleb and saw the fruit of the land. It was not them that made the decisions.
They would wander in the wilderness with their parents also. And after 40 years it would be they, the younger generation, that would enter into the promised land.
Verse 39 does not refer to the Law; it refers to the fact that they were not accountable for the decision that their parents made in their rejection of the advice that Joshua and Caleb gave them. They were not accountable for that.
So why the red herring? This has nothing to do with it.
Deuteronomy 1:39 Moreover your little ones, which ye said should be a prey, and your children, which in that day had no knowledge between good and evil, (of the decision that their parents were making and the consequences they shall go in thither, and unto them will I give it, and they shall possess it.
This is what Paul means by being WITHOUT the law once.
They younger generation had knowledge. They stood apart from that knowledge. They were not accountable. They were not "voting members" per se, as one would have it in our modern society.
Of course the younger generation included teens.
But Young does not include that group in his translation:
(YLT) `And your infants, of whom ye have said, For a prey they are, and your sons who have not known to-day good and evil, they go in thither, and to them I give it, and they possess it;
--He believes he is directly referring to infants and not the entire generation, which in that case--no--they would not have any knowledge of the situation. Still it is the knowledge of the situation in the wilderness which is the context.
He died when he understood good and evil just like Adam and Eve.
He was convicted of his sin. He saw himself as he was. The law condemned him.
Who said Paul revived? Not me. It was sin that revived. You intentionally misrepresent me.
Sin sprang alive. He died--saw himself as he was. The rest of the chapter deals with the struggle between his two natures;
Romans 8:2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.
--He is revived from the sin that caused him to see him as he really was--dead or separated from God.
No, you go back and read again, from the beginning I said SIN REVIVED, not Paul. Sin has no power, no authority to kill without the law. I understood this as a child, but not a NEWBORN child.
1 John 3:4 Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.
--Sin is a transgression of the law. For a child it is the transgression of a parents law; the parent standing in the place of God. The father is the head of the household by the Lord's command. The law cannot save. The law kills for the transgression of the law is sin. Even children know this.
Yes, all men have a innate sense of right and wrong, but even that takes time to mature, a newborn baby does not understand what a lie is, or what to steal means.
The innate sense of right and wrong is depravity; our sin nature that we have from birth. It doesn't mature. It is always there.
Nonsense, tell a newborn baby not to lie and he will not have a clue what you are saying to him. Pure baloney.
Do you teach him to tell the truth or teach him to lie? Which one?
All men physically die because of the curse in the garden, but men only spiritually die when they know right from wrong.
All know right from wrong because the law is written in their hearts. Even in the jungles of Africa those never having heard the Bible (OT or NT) know the difference between right and wrong. It is innate. Their conscience tells them. God has given every man a conscience. They excuse themselves and accuse others of their wrong doings? Why? They have the law of God written in their hearts.
I am more consistent than you, I don't say that scripture means the exact opposite of what it plainly says as you do. Paul said he was alive without the law once, you say he only "thought" he was alive. I am FAR more consistent than you.
You make the same mistake as others.
You think alive and dead have opposite meanings.
Dead means separated from God. Separation is not the opposite of alive.
Paul said he was separated from God APART from the law. There existed a law before Paul was saved. He was religious thinking he was doing God's will, alive, and tells us that he was "blameless."
What are you talking about? I agree Adam and Eve spiritually died the moment they sinned. They physically died 900 years later. What does this have to do with my view? You are misrepresenting me again because you cannot honestly debate me. You should be ashamed, but you're not.
In the day that you shall eat thereof thou shalt surely die.
They ate and they died. How did a dead man talk with God, from that time until the 900 years after that you speak of? Please explain.
Nope, Paul is telling us when he learned the law as a young man. He said he would have not KNOWN sin except for the law, he would have not KNOWN lust except the law said, Thou shalt not covet.
What does it mean "have not known"? You again have a wrong definition?
When were you saved? At would age? Did you know what lust and covetousness (and murder and stealing) were before the day that you were saved? Please answer truthfully.
The depraved mind knows that they are breaking the law. But they don't care. Paul knew what he was doing. He didn't care about the moral value of life in his persecution of Christians. He, in his mind and warped sense of values, was doing it for God.
Someone close to me doesn't see anything wrong with "common law" marriages. To me it is a continual state of fornication. Until they come to their senses and marry they are living in sin. If they come to Christ the law will come alive and show them who they really are before God. Their sin before God will spring alive before them, and they will see themselves as spiritually dead or separated before God--the very reason they need to get saved.
No, the law convicted him as a guilty sinner and he died. He had been spiritually alive until he learned the law.
The law is our schoolmaster to lead us to Christ. It shows us how guilty we are. Remember that Paul knew the law from childhood. He had been taught it by his parents and in the synagogues.