Maybe the length of the sermons isn't the real problem. Consider that some churches have 45 minutes of singing, 10 minutes of announcements (that people could simply read from the bulletin,) offering, etc. all BEFORE the pastor gets up to preach. Then you have some who testify and drone on and on and on. . .then we complain when the pastor preaches past noon.
Don't get me wrong. I think the mind can only handle what the seat can endure, BUT, sometimes it's our own frame of mind or spiritual attitude that contributes to boredom in church. I've heard long sermons given by foreign missionaries, that were hard to understand and required much concentration, but they were so inspired, no one complained. It just depends on the sermon's content, my own mood that day, the temperature of the room, and whether or not the devil is distracting me.
Don't get me wrong. I think the mind can only handle what the seat can endure, BUT, sometimes it's our own frame of mind or spiritual attitude that contributes to boredom in church. I've heard long sermons given by foreign missionaries, that were hard to understand and required much concentration, but they were so inspired, no one complained. It just depends on the sermon's content, my own mood that day, the temperature of the room, and whether or not the devil is distracting me.