I don't know what the soldier's motivation was for asking about the Humvee uparmored status. I don't know whether or not he was put up to the question or just wanted to know. It could be taken as a fair question but, like Carpro, his tone did rub me a bit wrong. Maybe that assessment was incorrect and, without one on one conversation, it's impossible for me to know his motive.
Regardless, the part I didn't like was the news media playing off his question in a way that implied no one up the chain of command carried about providing uparmored Humvees for the troops. That's the fallacy that was projected.
The fact is things like that take time and money to work out. The Humvee has continued to evolve since it was first introduced and it's become even more of a workhorse than first expected. I don't think too many people anticipated that all of them would need to be armored. Initially only selected units were scheduled to have them.
We could argue that every solider should have a heavy armored vehicle - a tank - but that's just not practical. Everything becomes a matter of priorities, logistics, and expediency. Some folks just don't have very realistic expectations or understanding of what's involved. There's no such thing as a risk free war. Sometimes individual soldiers don't see that from where they are. That's understandable but doesn't necessarily mean the system is broken!
Troops today are fortunate to have much better vehicles - including armored ones - and personal armor than previous warriors. There's no comparison between an uparmored Humvee and an old M-151 jeep for example. If you ran over a mine in an M-151 you were history whereas in the Humvee you have a much better chance. Even the M-113 APC wasn't very good to be inside if you hit a mine. For convoy escort and defense the Guardian will likely prove even better but it takes time and money to procure them.
Troops have always improvised with field modifications. You should see some of the contraptions we came up with to add firepower and protection to otherwise plain vehicles. Even those old M-151 jeeps were made into weapons platforms. Some of those ideas get turned into standard issue and others do not. Things are learned and unlearned in the field according to necessity and availability.
I'm glad our country has the resources to provide our troops with some of the best equipment and weapon systems of any military force in the world. It's a tribute to both the military and the civilian industries that supplies them. We should keep striving to give our troops the best we can. We shouldn't waste time beating ourselves up over temporary short comings and problems. We should constructively work to resolve them. That's what the system does.