New Member
I have to apologize - you are correct - it was late and I misread due to you having two posts back to back and in my slumber, I was taking both as written to me.(No problem. And I apologize for the lateness of this, but I was out taking care of my lease.) But I still stand by the fact that I hate when believers call people names. (Again, no problem....but I would call your attention to Jesus calling the Pharisees a 'nest of vipers', and 'white-washed tombs'. If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then......)I just think it is so not Christ-like and brings us on the same level as the world. (Again, when it comes to that, follow your heart.)I think we should, of all people, be able to act civil to each other and use proper words rather than call people names like a 4 year old.('s so much fun!:tongue3![]()
OK - I'm not sure if we do agree or not on the issue (We agree, it was just a little discrepency(sp?), but not one that is of a big concern.)but I see your difference. If a person I knew was adament that they were following Satan, honestly, the only time I'd have them in my home was to initially try to talk to them to show them the truth and after that, it would be for direct ministry (it's close to home now with this going on - an unsaved person who won't follow Christ who just lost their child - I will still have them over for a meal to minister to their needs while bringing up Christ and praying for them) or if they asked to talk.(I agree with that, but would still hide my cats.) Otherwise, I'd still be friendly but there would be no way that I could be very close to them since our worlds are so different and they're hostile to the Gospel. But for those friends of mine who are unsaved, I will continue to be friends, have them in my home and will continue to share the Gospel until I'm dead.(Fantastic, no problem. I will continue to do the same.) They will never be able to say that they never heard. I don't tell them "choose now" and if they don't choose Christ that we're no longer friends but I will continue to present the truth in love as we do some life together. But there will never be the opportunity to be as close as brothers and sisters in Christ can be - there's an intimacy that cannot happen because we do not have that common ground of Christ.
No problem. Glad we could work this out. I have/had no problem with you and do not wish one. Peace.:godisgood: