And it's not something one has to read into Bible like Calvinism.
I suppose that depends on one's perspective.
I've said it before in other threads and I will say it again...I read "Calvinism"
out of the Bible.
It started out being difficult some years ago, and became easier the more I read Scripture.
Each time I read through the Bible over the years, I believe that the Lord has showed me more and more details about how and why I am saved.
I've never read someone's commentary and then read the Bible with an eye to seeing it like some have...
I honestly started seeing all of it over the course of the last 17 years, and with no help from men or the writings of men.
After the shock of realizing that what I was starting to see in God's word didn't match what so very many of my friends were taught and believed, I figured that I was the subject of one of two things...
I was either a false teacher, or these Scriptures apply:
1 Timothy 4:1-3
2 Timothy 3:1-9
2 Timothy 3:13. <---- I don't see "Calvinists" waxing worse and worse these days and multiplying like rabbits...quite the contrary. In my area alone, there are over 300 "Arminian"-type churches, and only about 3-5 "Calvinist" ones, on a
good day. Even the Seventh Day Adventists are multiplying, as well as JW's, Mormons, and all the rest. But not the "Calvinistic Baptists". "Reformed" churches are going the way of the world like so many others, as well as the Presbyterians and Lutherans. But there are only two Baptist churches in my area that teach TULIP. What does this mean? You do the math.
Titus 1:10-11
2 Peter 2:1-22
2 Peter 3:3-7
2 Peter 3:11-17
Like many men in the past, I've come to believe what is known as "TULIP" from Scripture, and that seems to make me a "Calvinist".
The reality of it is that I have joined men like Jonathan Edwards, George Whitefield, Charles Haddon Spurgeon, William Carey, Isaac Watts, John Newton, John Bunyan, George Mueller, John Gill, William Tyndale, Rolf Barnard, Henry Mahan, Dennis J. Ward, Augustus Toplady, and many others who have read God's word
for themselves and seen the same things.
You are free to call me a liar if you wish, but that doesn't change the fact that I am living proof that your belief about the above statement needs to seriously be re-evaluated, if you're interested in being
fully objective about it.
I'm not sure why I feel the need to state all of this, but I thought it should be said just to be clear.
If you like, I can give you a Scriptural answer for any question you have concerning my beliefs...
But I doubt that you'd understand where I'm coming from or believe the Scriptures that I would least the same way I do.
I wish you well, sir, and may God, in His wisdom and grace, grant you many good things.