Trying to understand what all you have just written, but let me ask for clarification, are you a Textus Receptus only guy?
No, thanks for asking.
I understand they are 'a thing'.
And I look for sympathizing with people about 1%, probably, that are caught up into any 'thing' like that. Somehow I am kidding about the condescending 'sympathizing' word and the 1%.
I lean way over toward speaking for God, for His Glory, and to not see Him disdained, but ALSO BECAUSE I see and believe a bunch of things that He Has Brought me to THAT ARE AND WOULD BE ALL POSITIVE AND A TREMENDOUS BLESSING, I believe, for anyone giving God a break and considering their possibility for WORSHIPPING GOD.
Just like you would say, "God Chose His Elect".
That is so anti-flesh and GOD-HONORING!
I like seeing people WORSHIP GOD.
Anyway, would you do me a favor and write a Bible in English?
What Modern Reader, just coming to God's Word can Be Blessed with 'discomfitted' and 'thou', 'thee', 'shall', and 'that which shall let, shall let'?
You know. Of course, they Eternally can be, but there is a process of interpreting or learning terminology that is extra.
Eliminating that extra process is to be despised?
To what I was saying, above, Worshipping God needs to be Encouraged and Facilitated.
This is the chart I was talking about.
It's down the page a little.
When The Jehovah's Absolutely False Witnesses' "Bible" has the errors in it that mirror those that have been included in many "Modern Bibles", that is not The Work of God.
Satan has been messing with our versions and using enemies of God, so how is their carnal thinking supposed to give us a good version?
It is NICE to be able to read our current language, but the killer is the death in the pot.
The Doctrine I hold is The Preservation of The Inspiration.
The concept of 'inerrancy' is what?
Can't we see Jesus and The Apostles Quoting The Old Testament? Do they 'get it right'?
Of course.
Do they use the same Words as The Prophets?
How is that?
Inspiration doesn't always follow in the same tracks.
I forget who said that.
Does, "Do Not Murder" mean, "Do Not Kill"?
Do they both mean, "Thou Shalt Not Kill"?
Ah, yeah.
What about, if I could see Moses' stones with that written on there in Hebrew, or whatever.
Would that be "Inspired"? Yes.
Are the other three? Yes.
So, did "Inspiration" leave to somewhere, because I only use Hebrew and don't speak it and can't see the Orginal Stone God Wrote on?
Not in my mind.
I believe that The Bible is Inspired.
That Inspiration Has Been Preserved, by The Superintendence of The Holy Spirit.
In the example of Romans 5:18;
"Therefore as by the offense of one
judgment came upon all men to condemnation;
even so by the righteousness of one
the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life." it Grammatically, Historically, and Contextually "POSSIBLE", to understand this, as God Saying,
"even so by the righteousness of one
the free gift came upon all"
(types and kinds of men, such as The Gentiles and not just The Jews, which includes what God is Saying, as "all")
"men unto justification of life."
Yes, you know that.
Can the verse say this, Grammatically, Historically, and Contextually, by The "Inspiration of God"?
"Yes, Adam’s one sin brings condemnation for everyone, but Christ’s one act of righteousness brings a right relationship with God and new life for everyone."
Can the verse say this, if Satan is doing the talking?
That is what trash cans are for.
Worthless items.
What is the Best Bible Translation?