I'm still not quite understanding the point you're making. Scripture does say 2 of every land animal, and Creationists do not deny the dinosaurs were on the Ark, in fact Behemoth was a postdiluvian sauropod described by Job.
Well, actually, not all creationists believe dinos were on the ark. And we don't know what a behemoth was. Its description doesn't match any dino we know of. And NO recent dino remains have been found; just petrified fossils.
Did you watch the presentation on living fossils? I think that disproves your theory about 99% being gone. The truth is, the vast majority of fossils found still have living ancestors, even right down to the specific species. They've just been given different specie names, which Dr. Werner exposed. You really need to check out his documentary.
It's not MY theory; it's that of many paleontologists & biologists. Just do as I suggested to Church Mouse Guy & Google it.
The other issue is your use of the word species. The Bible, rather, uses the word kinds.
No, the KJV does. I don't use it; I copied from the NKJV, which says "species". That word didn't come into biological use til about the time the KJV was made, so they used 'kinds', from older Bible versions.
Creationists liken this closer to the modern animal category family. In fact the great paleontologist Jack Horner believes that the number of dinosaur species has been greatly exaggerated. There may actually be only 50 basic kinds.
Actually, some 350 different species have been IDd from fossils complete enough to be identified.
God didn't have to preserve thousands of species on the Ark, but just representative kinds. Noah only needed an ancient dog kind to produce all the variations of wild and domestic dogs we have today. In fact, virtually all domestic dogs have come about in the last 300 years.
All dogs are of the same species, "Canis". Any male & female dog can breed if physically possible. But dogs & cats can't breed, nor be artificially inseminated with each other.
And I posted Scripture proving Noah took a pair of EVERY species that existed before the flood with him. He didn't take any dinos because most were already extinct. He took elephants, not woolly mammoths. He took lions & tigers, not saber-tooth cats. But mammoths & saber tooths existed at one time, (However, I won't rule out that the Loch ness monster might be a plesiosaur. I don't think God destroyed much aquatic life in the flood.)