MartyF, you pulled a partial quote out of the portion of the article in I used in my post. The answer, according to their website, is the editors of the article.
I pulled the quote because it got at the heart of the matter. And if your only reply is “because the editors said so”, then I’ve proven my point.
I cannot justify the taking of the Indians land because their culture was not as advanced as others or because they were so few in number.
And this is what you didn’t understand.
The vast majority of “Native Americans” did not own land - they never did. They never had the concept. Stone-age tribes don’t even understand land ownership. Stone-age tribes only understand doing what one wants by force. That’s how they understood things. The Navajo are good example. They attacked the Pueblo and took their land. But when they attacked the white settlers they were defeated and decided to stop fighting in order to prevent their extinction.
Did we take the Navajo’s land? Didn’t the Navajo’s take their land from the Pueblos? Shouldn’t we kick the Navajo’s off their reservation and give it the the Pueblos? Are you seeing how silly this is yet?
Claiming land is not the same as actually owning land - and most Indians never even claimed the land much less owned it.
If you ever owned a large portion of land, you’d know that. Even in today’s time, if someone has a land legacy it takes a tremendous amount of effort to maintain and keep the land and stop someone else from taking it. Look overseas at England. How many “lords” have lost their land?
In application, land ownership is not genetic - never has been. Even the Jews who were given their land claim from God never managed to own all the land they claimed. Ownership of land through genetics is quite possibly the most stupid method of land distribution.
And yes, numbers matter. Even God recognized this when he talked to Moses. The fact that Mexico never truly owned the land they claimed caused them to lose the land. It all had to do with numbers. Is Indonesia, India, China, etc. owned by white settlers? No. Of course not. Why? Because they had the population not only to claim but also to own the land.
But if a land claim is so important to you, I claim the land your house is on. You stole it from my ancestors. I expect a big fat check in the mail.
P.S. I do not agree with what Jackson did to the Cherokee. Many U.S. citizens disagreed with Jackson during that time as well.