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I'm a Gay Christian --
So What Are My Options?
by Inge S. Anderson
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Gay and lesbian Christians often believe they have only two options -- either to submit to change therapy in order to become "heterosexual" or to join the gay world in indulging in gay sex. But this either/or argument is one invented by the devil himself, I'm sure, because attempting either option can result in a kind of slavery. And Satan specializes in slavery.
The Good News is that Jesus came to give us freedom! So please stay with me to examine some other options.
Option 1
In other essays I've expressed disagreement with the philosophy of change ministries. (See "About Change Ministries" and "Change Ministries Revisited.") So, I don't consider that a viable option for most homosexually oriented Christians, except as a way to meet some dedicated, like-minded Christians and learn some coping methods. (And you will meet some fine, dedicated Christians there and could possibly make some life-long friends.)
We don't know of any change ministries that we could personally recommend. Some things to watch for is how much ministry leaders promise. If they promise complete orientation change, stay away from them. If they admit that change comes slowly, and that it is possible to live with a homosexual orientation without having it control your life, they are telling the truth. If they tell you that Jesus can and will deliver you from sexual compulsions, they are telling the truth. If they tell you that many gay people can change enough to enjoy a heterosexual marriage, they are telling the truth. And you may learn much from them. But beware of those who make heterosexual marriage a goal or some sort of test of faith.
Some Principles
And this is a good place to point out that a homosexual orientation does not make anyone any more sinful or "abominable" in the sight of God than a heterosexual orientation. (See What Is an Abomination to God?) We are all born sinners (Romans 3:23) with a heart that "is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked." (Jeremiah 17:9) All except Jesus. He was God in human flesh come to deliver us from sin and to show us the way to live a victorious Christian life. And His way was the way of self-denial: He came not to do His own will, but the will of Him that sent Him (John 6:38). He calls us to the same path, saying to all who would follow him, "Take up your cross daily, and follow me." (Luke 9:23) It's one of the paradoxes of the gospel that we find joy and happiness by giving up our own way and submitting to His.
Satan has deceived us into thinking that we will be happier when we do things our way instead of God's way. He has pictured God as the kill-joy and himself as the "liberator." But you know he's a liar. The Bible tells us that true freedom and liberty is found by those who walk within God's Law -- the fence He has set around us to keep us from harm. (See such passages as Psalm 119:45, Isaiah 61:1, James 1:25) A little lady who had some real insight into how things really are wrote this some years back: "God never leads His children otherwise than they would choose to be led, if they could see the end from the beginning and discern the glory of the purpose which they are fulfilling as co-workers with Him." (Ellen White in Ministry of Healing, p. 479) But Satan has many ways to cause us to doubt the goodness of God. One of the most terrible is the abuse of children by their fathers. Thus I know some gay men and lesbian women who have had a very difficult time relating to God because the Bible refers to God as Father, and their father has abused them. (That is a whole subject unto itself.) While there are also other images of God in the Bible, it may be best just to think of God as the ideal father you should have had. Our imaginations are very powerful, and there is no better use for them than to make truths feel real to us.
Option 2
An option that the world presents to homosexually oriented persons is to just go for it -- indulge in gay sex and live the "gay life." While at first, this thought repels the conscientious Christian, it's quite possible to become used to it. As Alexander Pope wrote,
Vice is a monster of such frightful mien
That to be hated needs but to be seen.
But seen too oft, familiar with her face,
We first endure, then pity, then embrace.
(from Pope's "Essay on Man")
And that's the danger in watching gay movies, and even listening to the news. Inhibitions are broken down, and, once tried, gay sex seems so "natural." Furthermore, it's highly addictive.
Advocates of gay sex and gay "marriage," argue something like this: God created me gay; therefore it must be all right to indulge my sexual desires. The texts in the Bible referring to same-gender sex must not refer to relationships between those who are homosexually oriented. Those who argue that way are good people, people such as those connected with SoulForce. But even good people cannot change the standards God has set. Even good people will have a hard time persuading God that he didn't really mean it when he forbade same-gender sex.
Books have been written to interpret the five to eight texts in Scripture referring to same-gender sex in such a manner as to exclude loving relationships. (Hey, it takes books to turn these clear texts into something that permits gay sex!) Gay theologians argue that the texts mentioning same-gender sex in Scripture refer to temple prostitutes in connection with idol worship, for instance, and they do not refer to loving relationships between two persons of the same gender.
However, the bottom line is that gay sex is mentioned in the Bible, but never favorably. By contrast, marriage between a man and a woman is mentioned frequently as being blessed of God. Indeed, God often uses marriage as an analogy of the kind of relationship He wishes to have with His people. Furthermore, the Bible makes clear that all sex outside this relationship is abhorrent in God's sight -- whether that's heterosexual or homosexual. I figure the same God who made us knows that there's something about the sexual "one-flesh" experience that takes something away from us unless we engage in it within the boundaries God has provided. We ignore His rules to our own injury.
The biblical record indicates that God invented sex and blessed sexual union for the purpose of procreation and promoting "oneness" between a man and a woman joined for life in the covenant of marriage. He gave sex to humanity made in His image so that we might partake in His creative activity, and He often speaks of His relationship with His people in terms like that of this original marriage covenant. By contrast, same-gender sex is only mentioned five times and never in positive terms. Gay theologians thus stand on rather shaky ground.
The fact that some Christian churches are "gay-friendly" with openly gay members participating and holding offices in the church should not be confused with a divine fiat on the issue of gay sex. We must each answer to God for ourselves, and no pastor or local church board has the authority to broaden the way that Christ called "narrow." Neither do they have the authority to define sin differently from the Bible which defines sin only in terms of action, not in terms of orientation or inclination. Thus, we applaud the stance of churches that welcome gay members without inquiring closely into their intimate lives while at the same time they make clear that they uphold God's rules of sexual conduct. (This would apply equally to gay and straight members.) While the principles are clear in Scripture, precisely what behavior is inside or outside God's plan for us is a matter to be settled between individuals and their God.
Options 3 & 4
I'm a Gay Christian --
So What Are My Options?
by Inge S. Anderson
Back to Perspectives | Back to Inklings Index
Gay and lesbian Christians often believe they have only two options -- either to submit to change therapy in order to become "heterosexual" or to join the gay world in indulging in gay sex. But this either/or argument is one invented by the devil himself, I'm sure, because attempting either option can result in a kind of slavery. And Satan specializes in slavery.
The Good News is that Jesus came to give us freedom! So please stay with me to examine some other options.
Option 1
In other essays I've expressed disagreement with the philosophy of change ministries. (See "About Change Ministries" and "Change Ministries Revisited.") So, I don't consider that a viable option for most homosexually oriented Christians, except as a way to meet some dedicated, like-minded Christians and learn some coping methods. (And you will meet some fine, dedicated Christians there and could possibly make some life-long friends.)
We don't know of any change ministries that we could personally recommend. Some things to watch for is how much ministry leaders promise. If they promise complete orientation change, stay away from them. If they admit that change comes slowly, and that it is possible to live with a homosexual orientation without having it control your life, they are telling the truth. If they tell you that Jesus can and will deliver you from sexual compulsions, they are telling the truth. If they tell you that many gay people can change enough to enjoy a heterosexual marriage, they are telling the truth. And you may learn much from them. But beware of those who make heterosexual marriage a goal or some sort of test of faith.
Some Principles
And this is a good place to point out that a homosexual orientation does not make anyone any more sinful or "abominable" in the sight of God than a heterosexual orientation. (See What Is an Abomination to God?) We are all born sinners (Romans 3:23) with a heart that "is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked." (Jeremiah 17:9) All except Jesus. He was God in human flesh come to deliver us from sin and to show us the way to live a victorious Christian life. And His way was the way of self-denial: He came not to do His own will, but the will of Him that sent Him (John 6:38). He calls us to the same path, saying to all who would follow him, "Take up your cross daily, and follow me." (Luke 9:23) It's one of the paradoxes of the gospel that we find joy and happiness by giving up our own way and submitting to His.
Satan has deceived us into thinking that we will be happier when we do things our way instead of God's way. He has pictured God as the kill-joy and himself as the "liberator." But you know he's a liar. The Bible tells us that true freedom and liberty is found by those who walk within God's Law -- the fence He has set around us to keep us from harm. (See such passages as Psalm 119:45, Isaiah 61:1, James 1:25) A little lady who had some real insight into how things really are wrote this some years back: "God never leads His children otherwise than they would choose to be led, if they could see the end from the beginning and discern the glory of the purpose which they are fulfilling as co-workers with Him." (Ellen White in Ministry of Healing, p. 479) But Satan has many ways to cause us to doubt the goodness of God. One of the most terrible is the abuse of children by their fathers. Thus I know some gay men and lesbian women who have had a very difficult time relating to God because the Bible refers to God as Father, and their father has abused them. (That is a whole subject unto itself.) While there are also other images of God in the Bible, it may be best just to think of God as the ideal father you should have had. Our imaginations are very powerful, and there is no better use for them than to make truths feel real to us.
Option 2
An option that the world presents to homosexually oriented persons is to just go for it -- indulge in gay sex and live the "gay life." While at first, this thought repels the conscientious Christian, it's quite possible to become used to it. As Alexander Pope wrote,
Vice is a monster of such frightful mien
That to be hated needs but to be seen.
But seen too oft, familiar with her face,
We first endure, then pity, then embrace.
(from Pope's "Essay on Man")
And that's the danger in watching gay movies, and even listening to the news. Inhibitions are broken down, and, once tried, gay sex seems so "natural." Furthermore, it's highly addictive.
Advocates of gay sex and gay "marriage," argue something like this: God created me gay; therefore it must be all right to indulge my sexual desires. The texts in the Bible referring to same-gender sex must not refer to relationships between those who are homosexually oriented. Those who argue that way are good people, people such as those connected with SoulForce. But even good people cannot change the standards God has set. Even good people will have a hard time persuading God that he didn't really mean it when he forbade same-gender sex.
Books have been written to interpret the five to eight texts in Scripture referring to same-gender sex in such a manner as to exclude loving relationships. (Hey, it takes books to turn these clear texts into something that permits gay sex!) Gay theologians argue that the texts mentioning same-gender sex in Scripture refer to temple prostitutes in connection with idol worship, for instance, and they do not refer to loving relationships between two persons of the same gender.
However, the bottom line is that gay sex is mentioned in the Bible, but never favorably. By contrast, marriage between a man and a woman is mentioned frequently as being blessed of God. Indeed, God often uses marriage as an analogy of the kind of relationship He wishes to have with His people. Furthermore, the Bible makes clear that all sex outside this relationship is abhorrent in God's sight -- whether that's heterosexual or homosexual. I figure the same God who made us knows that there's something about the sexual "one-flesh" experience that takes something away from us unless we engage in it within the boundaries God has provided. We ignore His rules to our own injury.
The biblical record indicates that God invented sex and blessed sexual union for the purpose of procreation and promoting "oneness" between a man and a woman joined for life in the covenant of marriage. He gave sex to humanity made in His image so that we might partake in His creative activity, and He often speaks of His relationship with His people in terms like that of this original marriage covenant. By contrast, same-gender sex is only mentioned five times and never in positive terms. Gay theologians thus stand on rather shaky ground.
The fact that some Christian churches are "gay-friendly" with openly gay members participating and holding offices in the church should not be confused with a divine fiat on the issue of gay sex. We must each answer to God for ourselves, and no pastor or local church board has the authority to broaden the way that Christ called "narrow." Neither do they have the authority to define sin differently from the Bible which defines sin only in terms of action, not in terms of orientation or inclination. Thus, we applaud the stance of churches that welcome gay members without inquiring closely into their intimate lives while at the same time they make clear that they uphold God's rules of sexual conduct. (This would apply equally to gay and straight members.) While the principles are clear in Scripture, precisely what behavior is inside or outside God's plan for us is a matter to be settled between individuals and their God.
Options 3 & 4