What other unavoidable "God made me this way" quirk has God condemned?
Blindness? Blondness? Club foot? Deafness?
How about retardation? Autism? No?
Then why do people think he made folks this way then condemns them for being this way?
He does condemn them you know. Many times.
It doesn't matter what a pastor says or a priest or who ever. God says those who live sin with no repentance and he gives a list, will not inherit the kingdom of God. Religions accepting sin was foretold, and condemned in the last days as well. This is what was meant by itching ears preaching.
He even says, and such were some of you. Operative word, WERE. they turned from those things and fell in line with what God said to do.
Homosexuals can not continue in their lifestyle any more than a thief can continue in his life of thievery.
If anyone has issues with this, they have a heart issue with God. Because the bottom line is, it matters not what I say or what the pope says or Billy Graham or John Calvin might say. If anything we say departs from Bible, we are wrong.
All one needs to do is read the word and see what God says. He did not hide his decision on any sin. He did not change from making them male and female to now.
It saddens me to see the church openly accepting sin to save souls when the soul that is not repentant and willing to turn from a life of sin, is not saved at all. Even if they sit in a church pew every single day.
No one is perfect and all sin. There is no perfection here on earth. That doesn't mean we sit down on the battle field and say if you can't beat it accept it.
Blindness? Blondness? Club foot? Deafness?
How about retardation? Autism? No?
Then why do people think he made folks this way then condemns them for being this way?
He does condemn them you know. Many times.
It doesn't matter what a pastor says or a priest or who ever. God says those who live sin with no repentance and he gives a list, will not inherit the kingdom of God. Religions accepting sin was foretold, and condemned in the last days as well. This is what was meant by itching ears preaching.
He even says, and such were some of you. Operative word, WERE. they turned from those things and fell in line with what God said to do.
Homosexuals can not continue in their lifestyle any more than a thief can continue in his life of thievery.
If anyone has issues with this, they have a heart issue with God. Because the bottom line is, it matters not what I say or what the pope says or Billy Graham or John Calvin might say. If anything we say departs from Bible, we are wrong.
All one needs to do is read the word and see what God says. He did not hide his decision on any sin. He did not change from making them male and female to now.
It saddens me to see the church openly accepting sin to save souls when the soul that is not repentant and willing to turn from a life of sin, is not saved at all. Even if they sit in a church pew every single day.
No one is perfect and all sin. There is no perfection here on earth. That doesn't mean we sit down on the battle field and say if you can't beat it accept it.