This thread is full of opinions, but not too much scripture.
I think 1 Corinthians 1:16 refers to water baptism, because it was done by Paul.
And here is a verse to consider:
Mark 16:16
“He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved; but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned.
My view is this refers to being placed into Christ, thus a spiritual baptism, not a water baptism. Thus the argument to water baptize right away to ensure salvation is bogus.
Acts 2:28 refers to our spiritual baptism because only after being placed into Christ are we sealed with the Holy Spirit.
Acts 2:41 indicates only after a person receives God's word are they to be water baptized. It does not indicate any intentional delay. But those doing the water baptism believed the person had sufficient knowledge and commitment.
Acts 8:12 does not address baptizing children, only men and women.
Acts 10:47 supports the idea of observing evidence of being indwelt.
Acts 22:16, says why delay, so assuming the baptism refers to water baptism, then it argues for promptly water baptizing.