contrast Primitive & 9Marksist, with genuine 1689er & Spurgeon:
Primitive Baptists of the Blue Ridge
"baptism often occurs
very late in the life of the
Primitive Baptist — perhaps
in middle age or even very old age....Some persons have been baptized, ordained as deacons, and then buried in close succession, owing to the late age of baptism."
Ruling by the Elders of Capitol Hill Baptist Church (
Mark Dever, headquarters of the
9Marks Center for Church Reform):
"As they assume adult responsibilities (
sometime in late high school with driving, employment, non-Christian friends, voting, legality of marriage), then part of this, we would think, would be to declare publicly their allegiance to Christ by baptism....the practice of baptizing pre-teenage children is of recent development (largely early 20th century) and of limited geography (largely limited to the United States, and places where American evangelicals have exercised great influence)."
[last sentence above is a falsehood]
prominent signer of 1689 Confession
Benjamin Keach,
A Counter-Antidote...Wherein the Baptism of Believers Is Evinced to Be God's Ordinance (1694):
little Children who do believe in Christ, have an indubitable right to Baptism"
Charles Spurgeon, same,
"The Children and Their Hosannas":
"Let the
child avow its faith in Christ and, if you have not confessed Him in Baptism, yourself, stand rebuked that a child is ready to obey its Lord while you are not!"
"High Doctrine and Broad Doctrine":
"The only limit to the way of coming is that they come to Christ....
Many young children and young people do this....We have baptized quite a number of
boys and girls...I have noticed that there is about the same proportion of very young children as of very old men and women. We have baptized, upon profession of faith, men and women over 80 years of age, about whose conversion we had as firm a conviction as we had about the conversions of the
little ones"