I grew up and was baptized in C of C (instrumental type).
I asked the Lord to forgive me. I confessed publicly that I believed that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God and that Christ died, was buried and was raised on the third day.
Later, I married a baptist woman. Then started attending church. Then we asked to join the church. I had to be re-baptized since they said I was baptized by folks who taught baptismal regeneration. My wife was baptized for the first time (and it will be the last time).
I'm sort of the prodigal son at the C of C where I grew up. They all know that I am a baptist lay minister and that I preach. The last time I was there was at my boyhood friend's visitation. We were all sitting around and the man who used to be our Youth Minister spoke up loud enough so I could hear and proclaimed "Chris may be dead, but I tell you what he did in there, in that water is what really matters!" He was pointing to the baptistry.
How sad. He was misled. Sincere. But misled. I just thought to myself "if Chris or ANYONE for that matter is depending on what they did in a baptismal to save themselves, then that is NOT grace but works."
They avoid discussing the thief on the cross next to Christ. They just focus on ONE verse in Acts from Peter's sermon at Pentecost and an awful interpretation of John chapter 3 to live off of and ignore the "big picture" of Holy Scripture. I've rambled long enough about this. I love these people who gave me a church home as a child, but they are misled. And baptists, in their eyes, are bunch of folks who are silly because they believe in eternal security and that baptism is not essential to salvation.
Edit: the greatest thing I learned as a baptist reading the Bible is this.... I'm not saved b/c I prayed a prayer or that I walked the aisle. I'm saved based upon what CHRIST DID. Not what I did. And therein lies the difference.