Similar to this, I was in a service one day and a young man stood up, gave his testimony, and apologized for missing so many services, as he had to work. He was just over a year into his marriage and they had an infant son. Once he was done and sat down, one of the home preachers stood up, turned and addressed the young man, and told him (in a rather spiritual manner, I might add) that his missing church because of work was okay, as God would rather him work and put food on the table and a roof over his family's head than miss work and them go hungry. You might not agree with that, but the Spirit was most definitely in what the preacher was saying. The young man took it to heart and God blessed him to find a new job a few months later which did not require Sunday work.
So Sunday is the only day during the week to work? Are there not 6 other days? Also another question. What type of car does the family drive? What about their house and entertainment spending? Do they own a smart phone? Lots of people these days make lots of excuses to get out of attending church Sunday, but at the same time drive a nice car, have a smart phone, a IPad, and always MUST have the latest models whenever they are released.
Once in the singles ministry when I was single there was a lady that sometimes asked prayer for her finances and that she needed to work lots of hours and have a certain salary to maintain. But guess what? On FB she sometimes posted that she wanted the new iPad, iphone, and other tech devices whenever they were released. She absolutely had to have a iPad for each one of her kids and believe me her kids were spoiled.
Perhaps this is what people so often fail to explain in their justification for missing church regularly. I knew the family and her kids did NOT ALL need iPads. It was a want made into a need by the mother
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