I would note how Covenanter and Dave they for a gap of about 40 years in Daniel 9:26 between the Messiah being cut off and the people of the prince destroying the city but refuse to allow any gap between the 69th and 70th week and state that there no gaps in the 70th week prophecies.
Is that a gap inserted into a prophecy? I think not. It is prophesied AFTER the 69th week, not during the 70th. As Jesus was put to death during the 70th week, if the destruction had taken place soon after, that would be consistent with the prophecy, but the prophecy indicates a protracted time of trouble. That is a consequence of Israel rejecting its Messiah. Jesus refers to the prophecy & says it would be fulfilled in the lifetime of "this generation."
26 After the sixty-two “sevens”, the Anointed One will be put to death and will have nothing. The people of the ruler who will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. The end will come like a flood: war will continue until the end, and desolations have been decreed.
Scripture clearly records the activities of the LORD Jesus Christ during the half week of his ministry, & his death & resurrection after the 3 1/2 years of his ministry. It also records his Olivet prophecy of the destruction.
Except my Bible states thatnational israel will be restored at end of days, as in Daniel, and that the Kingdom itself is upon the earth 1000 years under the messanic Age, and then is turned over to go into Eternal state!
Is your Bible different from others? Scriptures supporting your assertions would be helpful for discussion.
Certainly the prophets prophesying BEFORE & DURING THE EXILE spoke of the restoration & unification of national Israel. It happened as recorded by Ezra & Nehemiah, but the returning Israelites, including those exiled by the Assyrians & Babylonians, were free to return BUT they did not return to faithful living - see the record in Malachi.
During the 70th week many thousands of Israelites did indeed return to faithful living, responding to John's ministry, Jesus himself, & the Gospel preached at Pentecost.
These formed the prophesied Davidic kingdom under King Jesus. This is a spiritual kingdom, rather than a physical, carnal kingdom. God in his wisdom allows the kingdoms of the world to continue as he is calling out his redeemed people from all nations during the present millennium - as he told Abram in the first prophecy in Gen. 12.
Read 2 Peter 3 to understand what is happening - & note that the present Gospel age is the indefinite millennium.