Actually no Jesus did not say that. He never explicitly says that the destruction would be at the end of the age. And no I would not agree that antichrist would have to be the one that causes that abomination. That understanding comes from your misinterpretation of Dan 9. There is no mention of some supreme bad guy in the Olivet Discourse. Thus the abomination is separate from the person of antichrist, if indeed there even is a singular antichrist.
Yes From Whitelaws sermon
What is a summary of the Premillennial timetable?
They believe prophecy is for speculation about future events rather than comfort and faith during them (Isaiah 41:23; 42:9; 44:7-8; 46:9-10; 48:5; Matt 24:25; John 13:19; 14:29; 16:4).
Here is a simple summary of the main events and time gaps in their eschatological fantasies.
The gospel must be preached worldwide for a witness, and earthquakes and wars must increase.
Jesus will come again in a secret rapture to resurrect saints only and take them safely to heaven.
The antichrist will help Jews restore the O.T. for 3.5 years; then he will oppose them for 3.5.
During this time of antichrist swings, 144,000 Jewish missionaries will convert many to Christ.
Jesus comes a third time to destroy antichrist and 200,000,000 Chinese cavalry at Armageddon.
Jesus will take the throne of David in Jerusalem, restore animal sacrifices, and rule the earth.
The wicked will submit for 1000 years, but then Jesus will come a fourth time to defeat them.
After that, we have the great Day of Judgment and the books are opened to find our destinies.
Finally, we get a new heaven and new earth, where Gentiles and Jews are almost comparable.
These theories were unknown before 1830. They were popularized by men like Edward Irving, John Darby, C.I. Scofield, Clarence Larkin, Hal Lindsay, Salem Kirban, Tim LaHaye, Bob Jones, John R. Rice, John Walvoord, Dwight Pentecost, Jack Van Impe, etc., etc.
Can we reject Premillennialism as a system of lies?
Absolutely! They show profane disregard for scripture with even the simplest of Bible prophecies i.e. Daniel's 70 weeks and our Lord's Olivet Discourse (Daniel 9:24-27; Matthew 24:1-35).
Though they have more errors than the Gadarene did devils, we will consider only a few big ones!
Scofield and cronies base much of their scheme on unfilled land promises to Israel; but Israel got all the land, and the Lord does not owe them any more; the promise of the land was conditional anyway; and Abraham never wanted it to begin with (Joshua 21:43-45; Neh 9:7-8; Heb 11:8-16).
God was confused and forgot an indeterminate period of time of about 2000 years in the middle of Daniel's 70 weeks, which makes His determination a failure, turns the Messiah into the antichrist, and despises the new covenant, though the New Testament and history shows complete fulfillment.
The Desire of all Nations will come to a millennial temple to give peace, though Paul confirmed the prophecy as fulfilled when writing Israelites, and the house Haggai spoke of was torn apart stone-by-stone by the Romans in 70 A.D. to end any further role for it (Hag 2:6-9; Heb 12:25-29).
The prophesied Elijah the prophet is not really John the Baptist, but the literal Elijah, whom they say will come before the Day of the Lord, just as the Jewish fables prescribed in the days of the apostles (Mal 4:5-6; Matt 11:7-15; 17:10-13; Luke 1:17; John 1:21; Matt 16:14)!
The kingdom of heaven and the kingdom of God are not the same thing, according to Scofield's notes at Matthew 6:33, in spite of the Bible (Matt 19:23-24; Matt 4:12-17 cp Mar 1:14-15; etc.).
They claim from Matthew 24:14 the gospel must be preached in all the world for a witness before Jesus can return, but the verse applies to the "end" of Jerusalem in 70 A.D., and the gospel was preached in all the world (Mark 16:19-20; Rom 1:8; 10:18; Col 1:6,23; I Tim 3:16).
They teach the abomination of desolation is some one-eyed Cyclops head of the United Nations with a glowing 666 for his heart, but Luke tells us plainly it is Roman armies surrounding Jerusalem (Luke 21:20-22), which Daniel had clarified 500 years earlier (Dan 12:5-13)!
A secret rapture will occur pre-, mid-, or post-tribulation relative to the great tribulation of Matthew 24; but this great tribulation was the tearing down of Jerusalem and temple in 70 A.D., and even if it were not, Jesus Christ does not come until after it occurs anyway (Matt 24:34)!
They say Jesus tried to set up an earthly kingdom, but the Jews refused; we say Jesus did set up His kingdom and crushed the Jews; and His kingdom was pointedly not of this world anyway (Luke 11:20; 16:16; John 6:15; Heb 12:28-29; Matt 21:33-46; 22:1-7; Luke 17:20-21; John 18:36).
The Jews are still God's chosen people and have a preeminent role in the future, in spite of Paul teaching they are a spiritual seed, and the promises are to be understood spiritually in Christ, especially those to Abraham, the father of the Jews (Gal 3:16,38-29; 4:21-31; 6:16; Heb 11:8-16).
They say Jesus Christ will return the second time before the man of sin is revealed, the antichrist to them, even though Paul plainly declared the opposite timing of these events (II Thess 2:1-3)!
They talk of a secret rapture and multiple resurrections, but there is only one resurrection of both wicked and righteous at the same time (John 5:28-29; Acts 24:15; Matt 13:30,40; II Thess 1:7-10).
There is no space for choosing law instead of grace at Sinai, seven dispensations instead of three the Bible recognizes (Rom 5:14), the gospel of the kingdom and the gospel of the grace of God are two different gospels (Acts 20:24-25), and a corruption of David's tabernacle (Acts 15:14-16).
I do not agree with everything this man says...but it makes you re-examine what you have heard before.I find Whitelaw a bit harsh, but he did his homework.