A church that is good in teaching will not be weak in evangelism. Of course, unintentional and intentional evangelism is a natural part of the lives of people who are disciples of Jesus. Too many times evangelism is presented as a sales technique, and people don't feel comfortable with that. Real evangelism happens with or without a technique.
Maybe, maybe not. Booths have their own issues. Acting like a compassionate human being who is a friend of Jesus is much more effective than a booth that may send the wrong message.
You simply engage in intentional and unintentional evangelism as part of the larger life of a disciple of Jesus, living and moving in the power of the Holy Spirit. You don't have to target events or do churchy looking things. One of the most effective things I've even done when I was doing intentional evangelism is to take a boomerang out to a local park and throw it for awhile. Unlike a frisbee, you don't need a partner for it. A crowd always gathers and people want to know how to throw it. Show them how and start a conversation. Make friends. Maybe write up a little flyer about what happens when life "goes in circles" and you always "end up where you started," and then have your testimony and contact information on there. It is a low-confrontation approach that is memorable and has a built-in visual aid.
A friend of mine decided to do intentional evangelism in the doughnut shop about two blocks from my home. Every Saturday morning, he would go over there and sit at the same table and do Bible study. He became a fixture there. As customers went in and out, he would pray for them and greet them as they began to recognize him every week. Soon, conversations began and he had many people sit with him on Saturday morning talking about spiritual things. The doughnut shop owners (Korean Christians) were happy to have him there and would sometimes drop off a basket of doughnut holes for him to share with people who would sit with him. He saw dozens converted over the course of his three-year study at the local seminary. It only ended when he moved to Oklahoma to take the pastorate of a church.
There's all kinds of ways to evangelize, and most of them do not require much of anything to do. Tracts are so canned and impersonal, I'm not sure they make the impact you think.