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We should always preach to the lost, and when we do the Holy Spirit will confirm that word with signs and wonders. This is for believers only. If you choose not to believe that the power still works, and that we still do the work of Jesus, that is your option. In this area you are an unbeliever.
It is an awesome thing tell a stranger something you could not possibly know, it can only be from God.
God will only share these things with those He can trust. Your intenions must be pure, to convince the unbeliever that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is true.
Without this confirming power of the Holy Ghost, your word is dead. Like a clanging bell.
Many in the church claim only the gifts that an unbeliever could claim. Wisdom, Knowledge, Faith, Discerning of spirits. Anyone can say that have these without any proof.
These you deny exist because you have not seen them manifest, or have not been given them:
Healing, Prophecy, Tongues, Interpretation of Tongues, Miracles. How convenient to exclude what you cannot do.
Romans 11 says the gifts and calling of God are irrevocable.
You reject it, you deny the power. You look for reasons to deny the power, instead of reasons they still exist. If you have no experience in them, you should not judge what you do not understand. Praise be to Jesus who lives and never changes.
It is an awesome thing tell a stranger something you could not possibly know, it can only be from God.
God will only share these things with those He can trust. Your intenions must be pure, to convince the unbeliever that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is true.
Without this confirming power of the Holy Ghost, your word is dead. Like a clanging bell.
Many in the church claim only the gifts that an unbeliever could claim. Wisdom, Knowledge, Faith, Discerning of spirits. Anyone can say that have these without any proof.
These you deny exist because you have not seen them manifest, or have not been given them:
Healing, Prophecy, Tongues, Interpretation of Tongues, Miracles. How convenient to exclude what you cannot do.
Romans 11 says the gifts and calling of God are irrevocable.
You reject it, you deny the power. You look for reasons to deny the power, instead of reasons they still exist. If you have no experience in them, you should not judge what you do not understand. Praise be to Jesus who lives and never changes.