New Member
Well I thank you for the quick and presumptive judgement. Actually I was not being evasive, I was answering another thread. Yes I'm in a body of Baptists. Some are amazed by what we see God doing, others ignore it, some even claim it's the devil and are praying for those of us that praise God for His miracles. It is done in the church, at church functions, outside the church, at gas stations and in the market place. Good enough?
I sometimes wonder when someone is asked a very simple question then spends several responses but still never really gets to the answer, then is offended that the question is even asked...
You could have said, "Yes, I am part of a baptist congregation," and answered my question. Now, your further resonse above just muddies up the issue even further.
And, for my response to God's supernatural miracle working power, I see GOD doing His work often. I have even been the recipient of some of that work. I also see some people who claim to be the exclusive channels of that power on a fairly regular basis. I have no problems at all with God doing what only God can do. I have a lot of issues with the people who think that they are the channels for God's power because they, for the most part, are not, and further are often decieved and are mis-reading Corinthians, Acts, and other Scriptures given to show us the ways and means of God, starting with their emphasis on the spectactular gifts.