Why...salvation does not depend on any persons desire or effort but on Gods mercy ....again read Romans 9:6-18.
Brother I can't even sneeze among other things without the will of God.
You are giving me too much credit.
I never gave myself my desire or effort, I am not God.
If God never created me, What good or evil could i do? Obviously the entire outcome is God's credit.
The love in your heart that isn't a alien ingredient, That is God given.
Does anyone's damnation come from their desire and effort of evil?
Our views of Salvation may differ. Because I see you saved when you no longer sin.
Its like saying being cured of CANCER doesn't depend on your having cancer but on the Doctor's mercy.
SURE thats TRUE. But that doesn't mean you KEEP cancer.
One can have a desire and effort for going out to have fornication. God's mercy can still intervene and save the person.
That doesn't mean when salvation is complete he still wants fornication.
When we say stop sinning as GOD COMMANDED us to tell you. Is that our credit? Could his MEANS of correction be another person?
Can God command us to correct yourself?
Jesus says:
........ first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye.
Hold on Jesus, you mean first YOU take the log and planks out first, I can't take credit for anything good.
Jesus will tell a man pick up your mat and walk, stretch out your arm, rise from your sleep. He tells them to do it.
So when they do who's desire and effort is that?
Where is the guy who answers back NO Jesus leave me alone! and still gets cured.