He seems to be one whp takes science over the scriptures, as he forces the Bible thru the lesnse of science, not the bible having final say, as that is why he gets Billions of years, and local flood for example!
False dichotomy.
Science is knowledge. If knowledge is opposite the Bible then the Bible is not true.
The fact of the matter is that no one should take the Bible over science nor science over the Bible.
Science and scripture are only enemies in a moron's world.
In the real world they are bosom buddies.
Scientists can misinterpret the science- but only a fool would say that you should take the Bible over real science.
There is nothing in the Bible that teaches that the universe is thousands, not billions of years old. Period.
There is not a verse of Scripture in the entire Bible that says, "Thus saith the Lord, the Earth is 6,750 years old and anyone who says otherwise is a liberal."
There's not.
It's not in there.
Young Earth Creationists who pretend it is are committing the sin of misrepresenting the Word of God.