It doesn't make any sense to say that the animals floated around on the continents when they separated for two reasons: there is no geological evidence and there is no Scriptural evidence.
You think that when a continent moved, it had no animals on it??? Why is that. The evidence is that animals were here since creation, and in science, that fossils do exist on continents.
Your time chart does not show when the Ice Age occurred. It does not mention the Ice Age. When exactly do you say that the Ice Age occurred?
I would say it happened in the former nature. I would say, as the chart shows, that the nature change was in the days of Peleg. In fact, I recently found out that Babel probably was at the time Peleg was 5 years old.
The mountains were covered. When it landed, no plants were seen. A bird sent out, still no plants. Only a week later when again birds were sent was the evidence of new growth.When the Ark landed, vegetation had already returned and the Flood waters had receded into the oceans. The oceans are present-day reminders of the Flood.
Well, I guess if you claim the Cambrian was laid down by the flood, that would not be the case. So now you have the Cambrian and the ice age and the flood, and almost everything else all attributed to one year. I guess all other prior layers were destroyed in that year also in your system.No one except you has suggested that the waters destroyed the pre-Cambrian fossils.
Plate tectonics says the waters caused the plates great upheaval and destruction. Scripture says that they were broken up. That break up was massive. Rodinia was mostly land; the seven continents are surrounded by seventy percent water--big change. You and I disagree on the Fountains of the Deep. It the land was founded on the Deep, then there was a lot of water under the surface of Rodinia, just as there is today. There is as much water underground today as there is above ground.
How much water was under the earth and where, we do not know. There is no reason from the bible or scientifically to attribute most of the water from the flood to that which came from below. Nor is there any reason to say that the waters destroyed all fossils.
Genesis 7:11 (KJV) In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.
Genesis 8:2 (KJV) The fountains also of the deep and the windows of heaven were stopped, and the rain from heaven was restrained;
Yes, there were both, and they started and stopped.