Well, thanks, Dad1, for an interesting discussion!
Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis recently got into a debate with Dr. Richard Land and a Professor Richard Howe at a Southern Baptist College, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in North Carolina and even Norman Geisler lined up against Ken Ham. Dr. Land accused Ken Ham of falsely calling a discussion that he had with Dr. Howe a "debate" but it turns out that the Seminary themselves had called it a debate on the internet. Ken Ham said that he was just referring to what the Seminary said. Dr. Land and the others more or less dismissed Ken Ham as a Presuppositionalist, so you see debates at the top level create more animosity than when ordinary people like us discuss our differences. I learned a lot about your point of view and I think that anyone who read the thread did, too. And I look forward to more discussions with you, something that I am not sure that the SBC theologians can say about their relationship with Ken Ham, who, incidentally denies their label.