I was educated as a Christian. However, I have never been able to find a God to believe in. I don't share the same moral values with the biblical value, not if you take all the teachings as they are. If we adopt the to the today's reality, I can find some common points of view.
I can not believe and love a God that plans to give his children diseases like Progeria, bone cancer and so on. If every birth is a miracle, then why would this miracle be accompanied by misery?
But you continue to talk about God's plan. If there is a plan, where is the free will? If we all live in a giant plan, then why isn't an abortion considered as an act directed by God himself? It's a terrible sacrifice that women choose to do. Imagine how many deaths are in the Bible, deaths that are directed by God himself. Why can't an abortion be considered the same?
Of course I do not believe in a promise of glory. I simply can not believe in a God who let's his children die sometimes minutes after their birth. There is no point in giving the miracle of life and taking it back immediately. Assuming that this is all part of a plan, why would he do this? Because I can't simply believe that a child that dies of a terrible disease is an act of love.
This is why I can not believe in the God that's presented in the Bible, one of the reasons at least. I do believe, however, in love, in making good deeds.