"If you are not surrendered then you are not repenting."I never said we have to repent of our sins to be saved. I have always said that the repenting of sin comes after salvation not to get saved. Our repentance is a turning to God. Also surrender is involved in turning to God. It is impossible to turn to God and want to remain in your rebellion. If your heart is not surrendered to Him then you are not repenting.
--The statement makes no sense. The first verb is in the past tense, and the second verb is in the present continuous.
It is like saying: If you have not confessed then you are not regenerating.
"Repentance is turning to God" That is partially right, but repentance is more than that.
None of us believe that once a person turns to God, that he remains in his rebellion. Who believes that? But we don't believe he is sinless either. In fact I believe you sin every day. Don't you?