This is where Calvinism and LS go hand in hand together. I agree, what easy-believism "convert" is going to do all that Jesus required of his disciples? None! But how about the person whose heart has been changed by God, who has been granted repentance??? That person will follow Christ and forsake all. It is a work of God totally and completely!
Lordship salvation is a reactionary movement to the easy-believism taught by Hyles, et. al. Some followers of Hyles would use any method possible to get a person to repeat a prayer, psychological manipulation or otherwise. That is not salvation, and I hope we can all agree on that.
However, repeating prayer is not always wrong.
Lordship salvation is wrong. As I explained earlier in my post Christ is already Lord. There is nothing you can do about it. To make him Lord is absurd. You don't think he isn't Lord? Then what kind of theology do you have? He is Lord of lords and King of kings. And there is nothing you or I can do to change that fact. You can choose to obey him or disobey him, but He will still be Lord. And he will still be the Lord of your life whether or not you like it. This is where the entire Lordship salvation theology has gone astray.
I was saved out of Roman Catholicism. At the time I was Biblically illiterate. I was told to turn to John 3:16 and I didn't know what the 3 meant and what the 16 meant. According to Lordship salvation I would have been told to leave all that I have and follow Jesus (implication be a missionary).
How prepared was I to carry on a full time ministry when I was first saved. Thankfully the ones that led me to the Lord (not Baptists) were involved in a program of discipleship. They taught me the basics of practical Christian living. I finished my secular course of study, and by the time I was totally finished (Bible College, etc.), I had gone through 8 years of post-secondary education. Then after some years in full time ministry I was ready to accept the call of God on my life and "forsake all and follow Jesus." And I did. Leaving everything behind I went to the foreign mission field. Could I do that when I was first saved? No. If someone told me I had to do that in order to be saved, I doubt if I ever would have been saved, and they would have been teaching a works-based salvation: which IMO is heretical.