That He did.
But I do not believe that it is embodied in the Roman Catholic Church.
That, sir, is where we disagree.
The church, the body of Christ, is a spiritual thing ( 1 Peter 2:5 ).
It represents everyone who has been truly born of God, and it's doctrines are pure.
Those doctrines are developed in His word, and the teachings of men are not part of it.
His church is composed of every born again believer in whose hearts He dwells ( Ephesians 1:13, Romans 8:9 ).
Wherever two or three of them are gathered together, He is in the midst of them ( Matthew 18:20 ).
The gates of Hell shall not prevail against it ( Matthew 16:18 ).
He did not build His church on Peter...He built it upon Himself.
He is the Rock ( Psalms 18:31, Psalms 62:2, Psalms 62:6 )...not Peter.
His church is not a man-made institution that teaches things contrary to His word, sir.
His word is the only thing that we as believers can trust...
Not the words of men.
This is one of many things that separates us,
@MarysSon ...
The belief that an organization, of any kind, is the one true church.
As you can see, I identify as a "Baptist".
Mainly I do so because the building I first heard the Gospel of my salvation in, was a "Baptist" church.
But I also do so because I see the things that "Baptists" have historically taught, in Scripture for myself.
For example, we do not believe that Scripture teaches baptismal regeneration.
We believe in something called "believer's baptism".
We also believe that salvation is a work of God, start to finish, not a cooperative work of both man and God that depends, in the slightest bit, on the efforts of men.
Nowadays we are called "Particular Baptists", but as recently as 200 years ago, simply "Baptists".
Few who identify as "Baptists" today hold to this doctrine of salvation ( election, predestination, calling and so forth ), but long ago, many did... at least in America, Canada and the British Isles.
Jesus is my Saviour.
His word is precious to me.
I am beholden to Him and to my brothers and sisters the world over, who suffer for His sake.
Jesus Christ is our Head.
He is our representative both in Heaven, at the right hand of the Father, and on earth, in the hearts and minds of His people.
He is our life, our bread, our blood and our hope.
Respectfully, we owe our allegiance to Him, and no one else.
No organization of men can ever stand between us, and none can ever demand what He alone commands...our love, worship and devotion.
As you can see, we will have agree to disagree with one another.
My sincere hope is, that someday He will reveal Himself to you as He has done to me.
I wish you well, sir, and this is my last reply in this thread.