You are wrong on what Amillennialism is and Post Millennialism, thats plain and simple.
I read the books on people that support it, and people that support Post Millennium, everyone is wrong besides you?
A Case for Amillennialism: Understanding the End Times Kim Riddlebarger
Amillennarians believe that the millennium of Christ's heavenly reign is a present reality, not a future hope to come after his return.
Amillennialism (Greek: a- "no" + millennialism) is the view in Christian eschatology which states that Christ is
presently reigning through the Church, and that the "1000 years" of Revelation 20:1-6 is a metaphorical reference to the present church age which will culminate in Christ's return. It stands in contrast to
premillennialism, which states that Christ will return
prior to a literal 1000 year earthly reign; and
postmillennialism, which states that Christ's return will
follow a 1000 year golden age ushered in by the church.
Now, in City of God, Augustine viewed the thousand years of Revelation 20 not as some special future time but "the period beginning with Christ's first coming," that is, the age of the Christian church. Throughout this age, the saints reign with Christ—not in the fullness of the coming kingdom prepared for those blessed by God the Father, but "in some other and far inferior way."
Amillennialism: Millennium Today
Amillennialism alters the timeline of the end times to fit these two views. Christ's kingdom was established at His resurrection. The "first resurrection" (
Revelation 20:4-6) does not refer to the physical resurrection of the saints, as premillennialism teaches, but to a spiritual resurrection, that is, the point in history when the Holy Spirit became available to dwell in the hearts of the believers. The "kingdom," then, is a kingdom in spirit only and lasts until Jesus' second coming. The second coming is concurrent with the rapture of the believers. Everyone will be judged, and then the second resurrection will return physical bodies to souls. The eternal state will immediately follow.
That is correct, No millennium, no earthly reign. Its symbolically now!