Already dealt with. Justice on a frontier is a lot different than in an organized urban area.
Dealt with where?
And by the way...that is the point:
Justice on a frontier is a lot different than in an organized urban area.
However, I would point out that Justice is Justice, and as for me, I feel much more comfortable having a Justice System such as we have, rather than having one, as the point you overlooked makes...where men, or women, determine for themselves what Justice is going to be.
While there are corrupt cops, our system does not allow for them to work outside of the Law, and when they are caught and dealt with by our Justice System, everyone cheers.
Because some of us believe in Justice as part of the American Way.
Not many cow punchers in Hidalgo County. Mostly agriculture down here. King cotton, citrus, sugar cane.
I'm actually very fond of cows. Just something peaceful about cows.
Darrell C said:
Darrell C said:
Maybe you should check into what Police Officers are actually accomplishing before issuing the propaganda of anti-establishment nut cases.
Been there. Done that.
I know, I'm trying to help you stop doing it...
No, I live in Hidalgo County Texas.
I suspect you have dual residency...
If, for some reason, the social order collapsed, yes, we, the people, would be able to maintain order.
You're in the second residence on this one...fantasy land.
There are about 60,000 sworn Peace Officers in Texas.
What media source did you get that stat from?
But just about every Texan owns a gun, and over 1 million have a License To Carry.
Hmm, sounds like you guys don't trust each other very much, lol.
According to this thread I cannot. After all, you were a Police Officer, right?
We would not allow the criminal element to prey on the innocent.
And by what would you measure what is criminal? What would you say to a drunk driver? Who are you to determine that he/she shouldn't be driving while intoxicated?
Darrell C said:
Darrell C said:
And that is the point: man taking matters into his own hands, and thinking he is effecting Justice.
Peace Officers are men (and women). Courts are men (and women). Who do you think is enforcing the law now?
Thankfully its not Billy Joe Bob who might have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed...
Hollywood. Probably not the best place to get your American history.
What experience I have is through dealing with Police Officers directly. Before I was saved, I was actually beaten in Jail, and taken out to a cliff and thrown off. Those were corrupt officers.
As far as Hollywood, they glamorize corruption in Police Officers. "Dirty Harry" is a good example of a cop with no respect for Law and Justice.
And by the way, what do you know about Hollywood. Didn't you say you didn't read, watch, or listen to any media source?
About the same as always. Pretty quiet. Of course with every other person you meet on a daily basis carrying a firearm the criminals head north to the big cities. Soft targets are much safer for them.
MM-hmm. Let's take a few of those "real men" who feel the need to carry a gun and teach them the love of Christ. Or, throw into a ghetto in New York.
Better bring extra ammo.
But, seriously, I want you to consider whether or not the Police Force in your area contributes to a quiet society. As I said, it may be that you are alive today because a Police Officer, doing his duty, pulled a drunk driver out of his car.
God bless.
God bless.