just-want-peace said:
But, but, but, surely you aren't one of those (shudder--) "one issue voters"; are you??????
OK sarcasm off!!
It is amazing, is it not, that "Christians" can be so callous to effects of our national leader and just ignore His precepts to get (you pick the name) into office?????
The time of "itching ears" has arrived:
Emphasis mine
I still say EVERYONE is a one issue voter....
If a candidate would say that all blacks should by lynched.. but you agreed with them on everything else, would they get your vote?
If a candiate would say that all muslim nations should be nuked... but you agreed with them on everything else, would they get your vote?
If a candidate said that he supported the extinction of Christianity...but you agreed with them on everything else, would they get your vote?
If a candidate said that it was OK for men to sexually abuse children...but you agreed with them on everything else, would they get your vote?
I bet everyone on this board would not vote for anyone that would say any one of the above, no matter what other issues they stand on....
Why is it that Christians want to still vote for people who say it is OK to suck out the brains of babies?
And then complain about God fearing Christians when we say we won't vote for the barbarian, and then the democrats make fun of us by calling us "one issue voters"
Some times it only takes one issue to make a man unqualified to be in office...
What was wrong with Elliot Spitzer? Hmmm... that was only one issue...
But murdering a baby is not as important to some as hiring a prostitute.