You did not decide to trust campbells. You are either persuaded they are trustworthy or not.
You ARE persuaded. THat is not a decision.
You do not decide to trust in gravity. You HAVE BEEN persuaded that gravity will hold you to the earth.
You did not DECIDE it would. You were persuaded it would.
Then you would have been persuaded by the news that campbells may not be trustworthy.
You are confusing ACTING which is a decision with trusting which is NOT.
You BUY the soup BECAUSE you trust it. You trust it BECAUSE you HAVE BEEN (passive) persuaded that it is trustworthy.
No, you are persuaded it is safe or you are persuaded it is not safe.
You think continuing to ride IS trusting when the fact is that you continue to ride BECAUSE you trust.
And you trust because the circumstances have persuaded you that it will hold out a while longer.
To be persuaded is a decision itself. You are selected for jury duty, you listen to the prosecution and the defense. You decide which has given the most convincing and compelling evidence and make your decision whether the defendant is guilty or not.
You act as if you cannot decide whether you will trust someone or not. You act as if your neighbor asked to borrow the car that you cannot decide for yourself whether to give them the keys or not.
You might believe the person is completely honest and dependable, but accidents happen and it is not a good policy to loan someone your car and decide not to give them your keys.