Most branches of pentecostalism are apostate, full of false doctrines. One in paritcular is that one isn't saved if one doesn't sometimes speak in anj unknown language. Nothing in Scripture affirms that any more than it affirms that every saint shall be a healer, etc.
I once went to a holiness service before I was saved;; it started in the "normal" way, but the preacher kept getting louder & louder, speaking more and more rapidly until he was screeching incomprensibly. The congregation rose to their feet, one by one, & began shouting, waving their hands in the air, with many of them soon falling to the floor, cutting dust angels. I thought, "How than THIS be honoring God?" I had the impression that I'd entered a funny farm,& walked out, & never attended a holiness service again. This experience almost turned me away from church for good. (Thankfully, God had other plans for me !)
BTW, I'm an IFB; our congregation doesn't believe any man-made doctrines of faith/worship, as they're mostly false.("Word/Faith", "Latter Rain myth", the KJVO myth, the preterism myth, etc.) And the "all true saints speak in unknown languages" myth is among them !