Question begging. We were all born, created to be good, nothing else can come from God unless you place responsibility for evil on Him, BUT, and I understand that it may be difficult for you to continue with a thought for more than short one sentence lines, BUT this shows we born with a free will to "become" a sinner.
Not saying you have a propensity "become" a "drunkard" or have a "bad temper" or God forbid! a "homosexual" (which for some reason you are about to separate out)


...BUT exactly how do you "become" something/anything if God has foredetermined your nature (all things) before you were born?
You just verified that "only" good (don't forget "all things", this is another one of those long thoughts that brings you back to your first statement/premise

) can come from God in creation and goes to prove that man must have choice, free human volition.
I hear you "saying" (or rather question begging, you need to look into this fallacy a little deeper , maybe a class on Basic Logic and Critical Thinking Skills would help :laugh

that "we are all born sinners" on one hand and that "you don't embrace, at least as far as the homosexual aspect, that God lets one be a sinner" on the other hand? So God picks which sins are allowed? But He is not responsible for them "becoming" in any way? Interesting logic you have there Luke...