Politics has always been at the epicenter of the covid and vax controversy. That is what it is about- controlling people by fear.
The covid and vax issue is another matter. That is simply weighing risks. Not a controversy at all.
My decision to not vax has nothing to do with fear and everything to do with faith. Faith in my God, and no faith in what America has become during my lifetime.
There are similarities between the American Christian experience today; and Daniel and his three amigos' Babylonian experience under King Nebuchadnezzar.
The King commanded what they were to consume, in His opinion for the betterment of their health.
Daniel chose not to Defile himself, and his amigos, with the King's meat and wine. He chose separation and faith in his God for their spiritual and physical wellbeing. And they Proved their God.
America, Western Democracy, and their elites, have become a self-worshipping empire similar to Nebuchadnezzar's Babylonian kingdom.
Perhaps they'll produce a leader as vain as Nebuchadnezzar. A type of the Antichrist.