That presupposes the heathen understands that the Holy Spirit has power. The actual comment of yours I was responding to was:
Regardless of the motive of the one preaching, if the gospel is presented it still contains the power of God unto salvation (Romans 1:16).
I want to be clear. I am not accusing Synergistic preachers of improper motives. Most of them are sincere in their desire to see sinners converted. I believe those that are able to deliver a biblical gospel message do so because of a happy inconsistency. "Happy" because the Gospel is presented truthfully. "Inconsistency" because they are presenting the gospel in a manner that is incompatible with their larger synergistic theology. I am not going to get into the differences I have with improper Synergist gospel presentations. That is fodder enough for another thread. It is enough for this thread that I rejoice as the Apostle Paul rejoiced when the Gospel is properly proclaimed.
While I agree, it is also true that the lack of understanding that the power of God extends beyond the limits of synergistic preaching or those that oppose the Word by removing evidences is an everyday event.
The Gospel is not hindered by humankind, for it is the power of God, not of humankind.
Where the synergist would see and often even declare someone or something as hindering the Gospel, no such hindrance is realized.
If Jonah had continued to his last breath in the belly of the fish, God would have raised another in his place. For the repentance of Nineveh did not rest upon human effort, but upon God's willingness to show His power.
The presentation of the Gospel does not depend on human effort or human will, HOWEVER, the human effort and the Godly will is what God has put into place. The jailor of Philippi was presented the Gospel by a couple of men who didn't really want to be were they were. The Macedonian was presented the Gospel by a man who had been conflicted about the direction to travel.