I find it interesting that CTB upholds D.H. Lawrence ("Lawrence of Arabia") as the person to which we should look to as the standard for which one should admire as being the one to found a new Jewish state in the region of Palestine.
Granted, Lawrence wanted to establish a "state" in what then was called Palestine, but only if he himself could be its sole dictatorial tyrant.
In all my reading I have never seen this idea expressed. Can you give me a reference. It is true that he has bee called many things, positive things by those who admire him and negative things by those who do not like him.
While at first the British seemed to welcome him for his military successes in "Palestine," those so-called "successes" were only accomplished by an armed force mostly made up men who were forcibly made to join his so-called army whose ONLY allegiance was to Lawrence himself.
He was the only European the Arabs trusted and that trust was tentative.
His so-called army was mainly comprised of men who, upon whom were faced with the choice of either being tortured or killed on the spot.
I would like a reference for this also.
When the British found out about how Lawrence's merciless impressment of innocent men, they quickly disavowed any association with him.
Don't think so. Give me a reference for this also.
The only reason Lawrence was able to accomplish what he did was due mainly the fact that both the British and the French (the only major western European nations that had any significant influence in the Middle East [or the "Levant" as it was more popularly known during those times] were more concerned with what was happening much closer to home--namely the almost unchallenged rise of Adolph Hitler in the post-WW1 Germany.
His accomplishments were during WW I. Hitler was totally unknown at that time. He was an advisor to Winston Churchill in 1921. He joined the RAF in 1922 and left in 1923. He joined the Royal Tank Corp in 1923 and left that organization in 1925 when he rejoined the RAF. In 1935 he left the RAF.
He did spend a lot of his time riding his motorcycle through the countryside. Indeed, it was a motorcycle accident in 1935 when he was 46 that lead to his death six days later. He had suffered traumatic head injuries. A bust of Lawrence was placed in the crypt at St Paul's Cathedral,
Germany's economy at that time was basically destroyed because of the very heavy amount of war reparations it was forced to pay the victorious western European nations.
I agree. But Lawrence had nothing to do with that.
The German's couldn't possibly repay such huge amounts of money to the victorious British and French, but because they had to accede to the unreasonable terms of the Versailles Treaty, they had to do so.
I agree.
Consequently the Germans looked to the one man who claimed that his brand of national socialism (i.e., Nazism) would lead them to a new "Third Reich."
I do not know if Hitler was the one man. But he was the most ruthless as history shows.
Although the "Great Depression" was practically a global one, its effects weren't relatively that bad in Germany during the early 1930's. Her war-based economy actually put many Germans back to work, especially when Hitler successfully occupied the Rhineland (Which the so-called League of Nations "asked" Hitler not to do so!)
Hitler could have cared less about what the very weak League of Nations wanted to do; thus he marched right into the heavily industrialized region of Germany and forced most of that region's industries to convert to making aircraft and tanks that would be the weapons that would form the crux of his Blitzkrieg strategy.
I agree.
So, with both Britain and France evacuating most of its League of Nations mandates in the Middle East, Lawrence filled that vacuum by rising to power in "Palestine."
Fortunately, Lawrence's dictatorial grasp of power in that region was short-lived because not only many of those Middle Eastern nations were so shocked at his tyrannical rule that they raised organized armies against him, but also because his sources of arms and other equipment were diverted to re-arm nations that were also more concerned with Hitler's threats to their own nations.
Actually he never had any political power. His primary accomplishment was bringing Arab tribes together to fight their common enemy, the Ottoman Empire.
Lawrence himself also grew tired of continually fighting and turned to writing--writing that was so overtly sinful that many nations refused to allow any of his ungodly writings to enter their boarders.
If a Christian were wont to choose a man to support a new Jewish state in Palestine, D. H. Lawrence would certainly NOT be the one to do so.
I don't believe anyone ever proposed he do so, including Lawrence.
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