Romans 1 & 2 provide the answer to the OP question.
Paul tells us that creation itself should suggest the existence of a Creator. Natural law suggests the existence of a Lawgiver.
One problem I see is, though they may suggest evidence of God, they do not tell us anything about the Lord Jesus.
Further, Paul says that the requirements of the law is written upon the heart. By that, I take it to mean that they have their own moral code of right and wrong. Romans 2:14 says "they are a law unto themselves."
It is that moral code that will form the basis of condemnation. We who have the scriptures as a guide know that even we believers still sin. We can't keep Jesus' commandments perfectly.
The same for those who know nothing about Jesus. They can't even keep their own moral code they themselves try to adhere to. So they will have to acknowledge that God is just, that they deserve the condemnation.
Thus, anyone who maintains that God will not condemn those who have never heard the gospel are partly right. The will not be judged for rejecting Jesus, of whom they have never heard.
To maintain that they should not be held accountable, and thus are given a free pass to heaven, presents another problem. If that is the case, then let's bring all our missionaries home. God forbid that those missionaries should carry the gospel to a group for the first time, and have them reject it. They will be condemned to hell, when leaving them along would have assured them entrance to heaven.
Now, let's talk about AIC's post:
Well, if you are going to go according Gods scriptures, you are left with the truth that every single person in the world is given, from God, Divine revelation regarding eternal life...that can be recieved or refused.
How can this happen? Does God simply implant in their minds the truth about his existence, the truth about sin, the truth about the Son, the truth about his dying for sinners, the truth about how one comes into a right relationship with God? It just pops into his mind?
I'm sure some agree with AIC that for God to justly and fairly condemn the people we're talking about, they must have heard the gospel someway, somehow, and rejected it. Otherwise, it's just not fair!
But Paul, in I Cor 1:21 says it pleases God to save through the foolishness of preaching. I don't think that gives us much wiggle room.
It is with that reality, that God calls and sets apart preachers, evangelists, missionaries, and us ordinary folks, with the commission to go into all the world, preaching, teaching and baptizing.