I don’t follow Augustine, and I watched flower children ruin their and other lives in the Sixties. Neither offered much that I pay attention, too.
For the sake of full disclosure, some of us corresponded with Leighton Flowers when he regularly contributed to the board. He generally was respectful and I really did like displaying “sword” skills with Him. I even sent a couple pm to him requesting his dropping in from time to time.
I think (as he knows) that he has and continues to drift. But that is not up for BB discussion according to the moderators. I will respect their thinking and not present against him.
All that aside, the BB has a history.
It can easily be seen that, historically, when it comes to presenting Scriptures, Calvinistic posters are typically more prolific, and specific, presenting scriptures for each point made.
I have noticed that church websites, which present the confessional documents and “what we believe” statements of faith, Calvinistic churches typically cite numerous supporting Scriptures for every belief where those of non-cal persuasion rarely present any such document, much less Scripture support. More often the non-cal church may have statements concerning belief, but are devoid of citing Scripture and are written in a manner suggesting no disciplinary action is allowed in the assembly, but are driven by ecumenicalism.
It is also true that the non-cal are ever searching for emotional supportive presentations, be it claiming the origin is faulty (as the OP video), or the reliance on emotional condemnation, as supporting of the video posts demonstrate.
I discarded the extremely liberal side of casual easy believism as God brought me aware of taking the Scriptures as grammatically factual, as holding the highest veracity, and that it was audaciously obstinate sinfulness that prevented me from accepting what was written as written with purpose.
I am NOT a supporter of Calvin.
I am a supporter of the Scriptures.
If God said it, I believe it.