This is just ignorant. Do you literally go through a whole systematic theology of the Bible every time you present the Gospel? Nonsense.
It proves nothing of the sort. It doesn't deal with the topic.
Interesting, then why does God command us to "not love the world" because if any loves the world the Father is not in him? You are taking simple English and using that for your theology rather than actually explore what Scripture says.
"This is just ignorant. Do you literally go through a whole systematic theology of the Bible every time you present the Gospel? Nonsense."
I can deliver your entire system in one line.--> If God loves you , you will be saved and If God hates you, you will be damned.
Tell me that one line above is false.
I can deliver my entire gospel with one word. --> JESUS.
I can quote what is written WITHOUT deception of meaning. You couldn't preach the with the truth up front.
"Interesting, then why does God command us to "not love the world" because if any loves the world the Father is not in him? You are taking simple English and using that for your theology rather than actually explore what Scripture says."
John 3:16 GOD SO LOVED
16“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.
When God says don't love the world he is talking about worldliness like money, drugs, sex, alcohol, Just like the prodigal son fell and was dead in worldliness. The worldliness that still make people suffer today.
Of course Love and kindness is repulsive to those who are evil.
God Is Love.