I do not find your definition of "shouting" to be logical. The reason is that when I look up the word it seems to carry an emotional attachment that is not definitively known through written correspondence unless it is expressed otherwise (e.g., the man shouted "Get off my lawn").
What you probably mean to say is that I have not demonstrated why your position is not logical. I believe I have, but I will try once again.
If I know with a certainty that mixing bleach and ammonia will result in the production chloramines, and I am not willing that these toxic gasses be produced, then it is not logical that I will willingly mix bleach and ammonia. Does this mean that I will not mix the chemicals? Yes. Absolutely every time. Perhaps a situation may arise when these toxic gasses will benefit my purpose (it happen on an episode of MacGyver once). But then it cannot be said I was unwilling that these gases be produced.
You have stated that God knew, for certainty, that if Adam was put in the Garden he would sin. You seem to believe Scripture when it is said that God created Adam, and planted a Garden, and put Adam in this Garden where you insist God knew Adam would sin. Yet you seem to divorce these two things.
My conclusion is that if 1+x=y and you do are not willing to come up with the number 2 then you will not assign to x the value "1" (not if you can do simple math, anyway). My assertion is that your conclusion/reasoning is not logical and is, in fact, a victim of it's own error.
What you have to prove is that God, knowing for certain that Adam+Garden=Sin, creates the equation Adam+Garden yet is unwilling that Sin be the result.