He would have been saved (spiritually) had he been obedient or not,
This cannot be, obedience is a testimony that you have faith. If Noah would have believed God about the ark then he by faith would have built it, if he would have believed God and noty built the ark that would have been an indication that he did not have faith in God and he could not be saved by that kind of faith, which is dead.
Anyone that claims that baptism is not essential, whether they believe it is for the remission of sins or not, have not understood scripture clearly. Jesus commands every believer to be baptized, how more essentila do you need to get? As for whether or not it is essential to salvation, obedience is always the result of a true faith, certainly no one here thinks that one can be truly saved and then spend the rest of his life without being baptized and be obedient to God and His word?
If I can state that baptism is for the remission of sins and is essential I would be foolish to think that those who do not are going to be saved apart from it, so that would be damning. In turn if one believes that it does not and understands scripture when it comes to doctrines that are or are not true, these things will damn, just as Paul said in Galatians one.
But it is of little importants what others think, God will judge me according to His plain words.
He who believes and is baptized shall be saved.
Arise and be baptized washing away your sins, calling upon the name of the Lord.
Baptism does now save you
Repent, and be baptized for the remission of sins