Originally Posted by JSM17
1. No that is not correct.
If it isn't correct, then whose other baptism do you accept? You just admitted in your statement below that Baptist doctrine is not biblical, and it cannot save. So, other than COC which baptism do you accept?
2. Baptist doctrine is not biblical, faith alone does not save.
That is quite a statement to make seeing that it has been proven over and over to you that faith alone does save. This truth permeates the Bible: OT and NT. If there is one truth in Scripture that is so clearly taught that it cannot be missed it is this one: that man is saved by faith alone; and that has been clearly shown to you, in spite of your denial.
Therefore being justified by faith we have peace with God. (Romans 5:1)
If it isn't correct, then whose other baptism do you accept? You just admitted in your statement below that Baptist doctrine is not biblical, and it cannot save. So, other than COC which baptism do you accept?
I accept biblical baptism
Baptism is…
Baptism is how we get into Christ.
Baptism is always accompanied by faith and repentance.
Baptism is God’s terms of surrender.
Baptism is our signal to God we have accepted Christ’s gospel.
Baptism is the external washing with water and the internal washing away of sin by God.
Baptism is “calling on the name of the Lord.”
Baptism is being unified with Christ in his death, burial and resurrection.
Baptism is “clothing” ourselves with Christ.
Baptism is “accepting” Christ (on His terms, not ours)
Baptism is when our sins are forgiven.
Baptism is when we receive the Holy Spirit.
Baptism is how and when we come into contact with the blood of Christ.
Baptism is when we are reborn.
Baptism is an act of faith.
Baptism is how we enter the kingdom of God.
Baptism is when we are added to the body of Christ (the church).
Baptism is when we exchange our life for His.
Baptism is when we die to ourselves and come alive in Christ.
Baptism is the washing of regeneration, and renewal of the Holy Spirit.
Baptism is the starting gun of a race of a new life.
Baptism is proclaiming in Christ the resurrection of the dead.
Baptism is when the old dies and the new arises. In this manner we become saved.
Baptism is the point in time when we become saved.
Baptism is when we stop living for ourselves and start living for Jesus.
Baptism is how and when we scripturally make a conscious decision to dedicate our lives to Christ.
Baptism is how we scripturally enter into a relationship with Christ.
Baptism is the gavel striking the bench proclaiming forgiveness of sins, the end of the old and the birth of the new.
is done FOR the forgiveness of sins (Acts 2:38)
is done to SAVE us (1Peter 3:21, Acts 2:40, Mark 16:16)
Is done to WASH AWAY OUR SINS (Acts 22:16)
is done to be REBORN to new life (John 3:5, Romans 6:3-6)
is done to CLOTHE ourselves with Christ (Gal 3:26-27)
is done so that GOD will RESURRECT us from death (Colossians 2:12, Romans 6:3-6)
is done as a REQUIRMENT to enter heaven (John 3:5, Mark 16:16)
is done to put us INTO CHRIST (Romans 6:3-6, Galatians 3:26-27, 1Corinthians 12:13)
When accompanied by faith and repentance, baptism (immersion) is how and when our sins are washed away. If it is not done for the purpose of washing our sins away (Acts 22:16), it is not the ONE baptism of the New Testament (Ephesians 4:4-5) and therefore the “baptism” is invalid. It needs to be done in the correct, Scriptural manner.
When Jesus died on the cross, He, who had no sin, paid the death penalty for our sins. Through baptism we are united, or joined with Christ in paying the death penalty for sin. We are baptized into His death, into the death penalty for sin. We, who are unable to return from death because we have sin, are joined to Christ—and since Christ is sinless and was victorious over death, we, now being united with Him through baptism, are made victorious being united with Christ in His resurrection.
Now if God allows us to participate in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ (an event which occurred 2000 years ago), through baptism, it can truly be said we are saved through faith and God’s grace!
Baptism can be likened to the Israelites coming up out of the land of slavery, passing through the Red Sea and entering the Promised Land. Baptism can be likened to passing through the flood of Noah. Baptism is about leaving our old sinful, worldly ways behind and taking upon our shoulders the yoke of Christ. It is about lifestyle change and dying to ourselves and doing God’s will instead of ours. Our reason and purpose for living changes after baptism. Afterward is a new way of life. Baptism is about heart, faith, total commitment, surrender, self-denial, death, resurrection, repentance, and seeking God’s mercy through Jesus Christ and the work He did on that cross on that day of infamy 2000 years ago.