Originally posted by Bunyon:
About the Earth. It may not be obviouls to the ancients that the rotates, but it was obvious that the sun rises in the East and it does.
No, Bunyon, the sun does NOT rise in the East - it only
appears to do so. This is not trivial and it's not a tangent - this is the first example that you yourself used and it undermines your own argument that science is not needed to explain the "obvious". You should just admit that science is correct in this case and your common sense is mistaken.
I did not adress how obvious the reason are in my comments. Can we get of this tangent now?
No, not until you either explain how (meaning 'in what way', not 'to what degree') it is obvious that the earth rotates or until you admit that the example you used does not support your contention. Bluster won't do, Bunyon, nor will ridiculing me.
Daisy, Daisy, Daisy LOL A scientist sythisising a DNA from nucleotides in the laboratory is just another example of inteligent design.
Actually not, Bunyon. The scientist is not designing the DNA, in my example, he is
replicating the natural process.
The point is there is no evidence that nucleotides ever self assembled into a functional DNA strand in any medium.
In this case, it is the DNA that is self-assembling out of many nucleotides; the nucleotides have self-assembled out of other stuff. I don't know if it has been observed self-replicating in the wild.
Just as Iron or has never self assembled into a car.
On the other hand, we
have seen cars being assembled by workers - have we ever seen DNA being assembled by a supernatural Designer?
But no one has conducted a study to determine if an inteligence designed the statues on Easter Island. It is assumed because it is obvious. No one ever conducted a study to see if they were formed and place by natural means.
How do you know? I believe the "tests" they formed were simple - the Europeans asked the natives, "Who made these?". I'm pretty sure they (the monoliths not the islanders) were examined for telltale chisel marks and such to see if the original artists were more like the Chilean or the Polynesian known sculptures.
My point is and was that if science ignores ID simply because it is obvious that DNA was designed by an inteligence because they are afraid that it might give some credence to the existence of a higher being, than they have lost their objectivity.
How is it obvious that DNA was "designed by an intelligence"? Can such a thing be tested one way or another? If so, what would the test be?
Since ID posits that
everything is designed, being designed loses its meaning - you can't distinguish the designed from the undesigned if everything is designed and nothing undesigned. The quality of having been designed loses any and all significance in the study of nature and science.
The existence of a "higher being" is simply outside of science.
To ignore the obvious is to loose one's objectivity.
Questioning and testing the "obvious" is not ignoring it - just as Copernicus tested that the sun and stars obviously circled around the earth.
And that is sciences downfall- loss of objectivity.
Science tests what can be tested, measures what can be measured. God cannot be measured or tested.