The sun rises in the East. I don't know what you are saying when you say that, but all I am saying is that the sun appears over the eastern horizon at daybreak and disappers below the western horizon at days end. And this is obvious. Just because all the rest was dicovered later does not mean that it was not obvious to the ancients where to look for the Sun at day break and where to look for it at day's end. Now can we drop it?
"Actually not, Bunyon. The scientist is not designing the DNA, in my example, he is replicating the natural process."-----------------------------------------------------------------
In that case, I have know Idea why you thought this fact would give any weight to your argument.
"On the other hand, we have seen cars being assembled by workers - have we ever seen DNA being assembled by a supernatural Designer?"------------------------------------------------------
But you never saw a primitive European paint a horse on a cave wall, but you never doubted that this "design" was put there by an intellegent being.
"How is it obvious that DNA was "designed by an intelligence"? Can such a thing be tested one way or another? If so, what would the test be?"---------------------------------------------------
Again, of all the things that were tested and studied about E. Island, no one ever bothered to form a hypothisis about wheather it was made by inteligent human hands. We don't need to test the obvious. And when you say, "the Europeans asked the natives, "Who made these?"." you prove the point. They asked "who". Because it is obvious a " who" did it.
"Science tests what can be tested, measures what can be measured. God cannot be measured or tested."------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
There is, in fact, a scientest who studied what criteria made things obviously designed like paintings and Statues, DNA met all the criteria. DNA had a designer, it did not and could not occur by random chemical interactions.
The whole theory of ID is comming from scientest, not clergy!
The sun rises in the East. I don't know what you are saying when you say that, but all I am saying is that the sun appears over the eastern horizon at daybreak and disappers below the western horizon at days end. And this is obvious. Just because all the rest was dicovered later does not mean that it was not obvious to the ancients where to look for the Sun at day break and where to look for it at day's end. Now can we drop it?
"Actually not, Bunyon. The scientist is not designing the DNA, in my example, he is replicating the natural process."-----------------------------------------------------------------
In that case, I have know Idea why you thought this fact would give any weight to your argument.
"On the other hand, we have seen cars being assembled by workers - have we ever seen DNA being assembled by a supernatural Designer?"------------------------------------------------------
But you never saw a primitive European paint a horse on a cave wall, but you never doubted that this "design" was put there by an intellegent being.
"How is it obvious that DNA was "designed by an intelligence"? Can such a thing be tested one way or another? If so, what would the test be?"---------------------------------------------------
Again, of all the things that were tested and studied about E. Island, no one ever bothered to form a hypothisis about wheather it was made by inteligent human hands. We don't need to test the obvious. And when you say, "the Europeans asked the natives, "Who made these?"." you prove the point. They asked "who". Because it is obvious a " who" did it.
"Science tests what can be tested, measures what can be measured. God cannot be measured or tested."------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
There is, in fact, a scientest who studied what criteria made things obviously designed like paintings and Statues, DNA met all the criteria. DNA had a designer, it did not and could not occur by random chemical interactions.
The whole theory of ID is comming from scientest, not clergy!