...I've got a bridge to sell you.
There is one way and one way only to keep the court from going off the left edge—a Trump win. There is no other way.
Here's the problem with that: None of the Trump supporters have been able to guarantee me that Trump will actually follow through on any of his promises.
Trump is all about the art of the deal. What compromises is he going to make in order to pass through some parts of what he's actually promised? (not all of it; just some part, or parts) We've already seen that he's changed his position on the wall to "going to build the wall; *then* make Mexico pay for it." You'll pardon me, but I don't think I'm going to hold my breath for Mexico to reimburse us. In the meantime, you and I will have paid for a wall that he originally promised we wouldn't have to pay for.
But that's okay, right? Because we'll have the wall, even though we went bankrupt doing it, right? But then again, isn't that another Trump strategy? Getting the hotel built, even if/when that particular shell corporation goes bankrupt in the process?
If you're neverTrump, you're neverLife.
Not a single Trumpette that has done anything to convince me, a declared Independent, that Trump can be trusted to actually do *anything* he's promised.
I trust Trump to do one thing: Be Trump. If you don't know what that means, then I expect you'll find yourself the proud owner of a rivet on a bridge pretty soon.
I pray I'm wrong; and yes, I've previously posted that I'll make a post stating such.
But if I'm right - will you be man enough to post that you were wrong?